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Psychologisches Institut Metakognitive Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen

Themen für Bachelorarbeiten

Übersicht der Bachelorarbeitsthemen dieser Professur

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  • Themenvergabe durch Präsenztermin
    Termin: 20.2.2024
    Zeit: 10:30
    Raum: BIN 4.C.05
    Betreuungsperson der Bachelorarbeit: Prof. Dr. M. van Loon



  • Why are some people more strategic than others? Metacognitive monitoring and control across the lifespan.

    Beschreibung: Metacognition, involving self-monitoring and control, is one of the most important predictors of cognitive performance, including life-long learning, decision-making, and problem-solving. In this bachelor thesis, you will address the relationship between metacognitive monitoring and control throughout the lifespan. The aim is to understand why some persons are more strategic (i.e., make more accurate monitoring judgments and more effective control decisions) than others. You will conduct a systematic literature search and synthesize diverse studies. Your primary focus will be on the developmental dynamics of metacognitive monitoring and control processes. You will pay attention to age-related changes in monitoring and control skills and how findings may depend on tasks and measurement methods. Further, you will work out potential implications (e.g., by describing how your literature study can inform educational practices or by focusing on possible interventions for persons at risk for low metacognition).

    The bachelor thesis can be written in English or German.

    Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Mariëtte van Loon, E-Mail

    [ Einzelthema ]
    Status: offen (erfasst / geändert: 01.12.2023)

