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Psychologisches Institut Entwicklungspsychologie: Erwachsenenalter


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Elena Mayorova



Elena Mayorova holds degrees in German Studies (lic. phil.) from the University of St. Petersburg and in the Sciences (BSc) from the University of Zurich. She currently studies Clinical and Health Psychology at the University of Zurich. Her research interests are evolutionary approach to communication between humans and dogs, psychological wellbeing, health and ageing. She currently investigates changes in physiological stress reaction and social communication in elderly with a longitudinal design.

Franziska Knobel



Franziska Knobel holds degrees in Psychology (BSc) from the University of Zurich and is currently studying for a master’s degree in Psychology with focus on Clinical and Health Psychology. She is especially interested in Clinical Psychology for Couples and Families and in research about healthy ageing. Franziska Knobel is a proud owner of a pomeranian called "Naila" who is the reason for her interest in dog-human communication.

Aline Rüttimann



Aline Rüttimann holds degrees in Psychology (BSc) from the University of Zurich and is currently studying for her master's degree. She is especially interested to research the benefits of human-animal interaction on psychological well-being and healthy ageing. She will write her master's thesis based on this study.

Cindy Kuendig



Cindy Kündig is currently studying Psychology for her bachelor’s degree at the University of Zurich and will soon start with her master’s degree. She is especially interested in Clinical Psychology for Couples and Families and has always been passionate about animals, which is also why she is interested in research on psychological benefits of human-animal interactions. 

Eva Deutschmann



Eva Deutschmann holds degrees in Psychology (MSc, BSc) from the University of Zurich with focus on health psychology and methods as well as Health Care Mgt./Business Administration (BA) from the Cooperative State University Baden-Wuerttemberg (DHBW). She is interested in healthy ageing.

Ehemalige Projektmitarbeitende

Julia Bauer (MSc Psychology)

Debora Mittner (MSc Psychology)


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