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Department of Psychology

Pia Ingold

Pia Ingold, Prof. Dr.

  • University of Copenhagen

Scientific interests

  • Personnel selection (assessment centers, interviews, and personality inventories)
  • Performance assessment
  • Leadership assessment and trainings



Educational and employment background

since 11/2015 Senior Research and Teaching Associate [Oberassistentin], Work and Organizational Psychology Group, University of Zurich
10/2013-10/2015 Postdoctoral researcher (junior faculty position), Work and Organizational Psychology Group, University of Zurich
since 10/2013  “Assistentin” (junior faculty position), Work and Organizational Psychology, University of Zurich  
9/2013  Ph.D. in psychology, Title of the thesis "On Predicting Job Performance: Investigating personnel selection validity from candidate-oriented and situational perspectives" (Doctoral comitee: Prof. Dr. M. Kleinmann und Prof. Dr. F. Lievens)
since 2012  Certifications of Swiss assessment centers in collaboration with Swiss Assessment and SQS
11/2009-9/2013  Project employee of the SNSF project “Antecedents of self-presentation behaviors in different selection procedures and their consequences for criterion validity” and research associate, Work and Organizational Psychology Group, University of Zurich, Switzerland; Participant of the Doctoral Programme of Psychology at the University of Zurich

Further activities


  • Consulting on personnel selection
  • Selection trainings for interviewees and assessees
  • Leadership assessments
  • Graduate of the Teachings Skills Programme of the University of Zurich
  • Alumni of the Peer Mentoring Group Methods and Statistics of the University of Zurich
  • Scientific lead concerning assessment center certifications of Swiss organizations in collaboration with Swiss Assessment and SQS, audits and certifications of Swiss organizations
  • Coordination of research assistants in the group


Autumn Semester 2014  Lesson on vocational interests, organizational socialization, and international labor and expatriates in the Lecture „Organizational Psychology“ (Prof. Dr. M. Kleinmann)  
Spring Semesters 2013/2014   Seminar „Arbeitsmotivation und Arbeitszufriedenheit“ (work motivation and satisfaction course) for Psychology Bachelor students
Spring Semester 2012  Seminar „Ausgewählte Themen der Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie“ (Selected topics of Work and Organizational Psychology course) for Psychology Bachelor students
Autumn Semesters 2010/2011   Seminar „Personalauswahl“ (Personnel Selection course) for Social, Business and Organizational Psychology Master students
since Spring 2010  Supervision of Master and Bachelor theses