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Psychologisches Institut Wissenschaftlicher Nachwuchs

Herbstsemester 2014

Übersicht der Gastvorträge am Psychologischen Institut

Termine können jederzeit per Mail an Daniel Hausmann gesendet werden.

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AND = Andreasstrasse 15, 8050 Zürich (Oerlikon)
BIN = Binzmühlestrasse 14, 8050 Zürich (Oerlikon)
KOL = Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich (Zentrum)
SOE = Schönenberggasse 11, 8001 Zürich (Zentrum)
SUM = Sumatrastrasse 30, 8006 Zürich

Datum Referent(in) Titel/Thema Gastgeber/Link/Ort

Di 16.09.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Julius Kuhl

Universität Osnabrück, D

Who Controls Whom When I Control Myself? - Functional Properties of Two First-Person Systems

Masterschwerpunkt SOB
BIN 1.B.01

Mi 17.09.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Jens Gaab

Universität Basel

Was das Placebo mit der Psychotherapie zu tun hat

Masterschwerpunkt HEA
BIN 0.K.02

Di 23.09.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Didier Maurice Grandjean

Université de Genève

How I know what you feel: Psychological and brain mechanisms involved in the decoding of emotional prosody

Masterschwerpunkt DEV
BIN 1.B.01

Mi 24.09.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Elia Formisano

Department of Cognitive Neuroscience and Maastricht Brain Imaging Center, Maastricht University (NL)

The computational architecture of the human auditory cortex

Masterschwerpunkt COG
BIN 1.B.01

Di 30.09.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Kenneth Locke

University of Idaho, USA

Global, Cultural, and Individual Determinants of Cross-Situational Self-Consistency

Masterschwerpunkt SOB
BIN 1.B.01

Mi 01.10.
16.15 - 17.45

MD, Ph.D.
Andrea Danese

King's College London, UK

Childhood maltreatment, inflammation, and depression over the life-course

Masterschwerpunkt HEA
BIN 0.K.02

Di 07.10.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Claudia Friedrich

Universität Tübingen, DE

Tracking the processing of prosody and phonemes across infancy and childhood

Masterschwerpunkt DEV
BIN 1.B.01

Mi 08.10.
16.15 - 17.45

Pieter Schoonees

Department of Econometrics, Erasmus School of Economics (ESE), Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL)

Least-squares Bilinear Clustering of Three-way Data

Masterschwerpunkt COG
BIN 1.B.01

Di 14.10.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
K. Michele Kacmar

Texas State University, USA

It Takes Two: Examining the Congruence of Impression Management Ratings by Actors and Targets

Masterschwerpunkt SOB
BIN 1.B.01

Mi 15.10.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Oliver C. Schultheiss

Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen, D

Endokrine Korrelate impliziter Motive

Masterschwerpunkt HEA
BIN 0.K.02

Di 21.10.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Carmelo Vázquez

Universidad Complutense, Madrid, ES

What Positive Psychology adds to the mainstream of Psychology

Masterschwerpunkt DEV
BIN 1.B.01

Mi 22.10.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Mike Burton

University of Aberdeen, UK

Why are we so bad at face recognition?

Masterschwerpunkt COG
BIN 1.B.01

Di 28.10.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Stephen Sutton

Cambridge University, UK

Developing and Evaluating Behaviour Change Interventions

Masterschwerpunkt SOB
BIN 1.B.01

Mi 29.10.
16.15 - 17.45

Assistant Prof. Ph.D.
Olga Bogolybova

Division of Medical Psychology and Psychophysiology, Saint Petersburg State University, Russia

Childhood victimization experiences of young adults in St. Petersburg, Russia

Masterschwerpunkt HEA
BIN 0.K.02

Di 04.11.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Michael Falkenstein

Leibniz-Institut für Arbeitsforschung, TU Dortmund, DE

Ageing, driving and distraction: evidence from behaviour and event-related potentials

Masterschwerpunkt DEV
BIN 1.B.01

Mi 05.11.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Catherine McBride

Department of Psychology, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Reading Difficulties and Their Correlates: A Cross-Cultural Perspective

Masterschwerpunkt COG
BIN 1.B.01

Di 11.11.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Zhike Lei

European School of Management and Technology (ESMT), Berlin, D

Contagious Peers in Teams: Peer Affective Influence on Individual Emotions and Performance

Masterschwerpunkt SOB
BIN 1.B.01

Mi 12.11.
16.15 - 17.45

Diana Boer

Department of Social Psychology, Goethe University Frankfurt, D

Persönliche Werte und Well-being: Eine kulturvergleichende Perspektive

Masterschwerpunkt HEA
BIN 0.K.02

Di 18.11.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Ulrich W. Ebner-Priemer

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), DE

Elektronische Tagebücher – Echtzeiteinblicke in das wahre Leben

Masterschwerpunkt DEV
BIN 1.B.01

Mi 19.11.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
R. Harald Baayen

Department of Linguistics, Eberhard Karls University, Tübingen, DE and Department of Linguistics, University of Alberta, Edmonton (Canada)

Strategies for data analysis with mixed-effects models

Masterschwerpunkt COG
BIN 1.B.01

Di 25.11.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Jérôme Rossier

Université de Lausanne

Effectiveness of Career Counseling Interventions

Masterschwerpunkt SOB
BIN 1.B.01

Mi 26.11.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Ph.D.
Carolyn Cutrona

Iowa State University, Ames IA, USA

Social Support and Mental Health

Masterschwerpunkt HEA
BIN 0.K.02

Di 02.12.
16.15 - 17.45

PD Dr. med.
Oskar Jenni

Kinderspital Zürich, CH

Motor and intellectual functions in normally developing children: are they related? Findings from the Zurich Longitudinal Studies and the Swiss Preschooler‘s Health Study

Masterschwerpunkt DEV
BIN 1.B.01

Mi 03.12.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Stefan Koelsch

Dpt. of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Cluster “Languages of Emotion”, Freie Universität Berlin, D

Brain-correlates of music-evoked emotions

Masterschwerpunkt COG
BIN 1.B.01

Di 09.12.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Martin Hagger

Curtin University, Perth, Australia

Willpower, Self-Control and Ego-Depletion: Mechanisms, Processes, Critiques, and Solutions

Masterschwerpunkt SOB
BIN 1.B.01

Mi 10.12.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Gerhard Lauth

Universität Köln, D

Konzepte und Wirksamkeit eines kognitiv-behavioralen Elterntrainings bei ADHS / ODD

Masterschwerpunkt HEA
BIN 0.K.02

Di 16.12.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Denis Gerstof

Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, DE

Inquiry into Terminal Decline: Towards Better Understanding Mediators and Moderators

Masterschwerpunkt DEV
BIN 1.B.01

Mi 17.12.
16.15 - 17.45

Prof. Dr.
Gilles E. Gignac

School of Psychology, The University of Western Australia

Memory Span: The Ugly Duckling of Intellectual Assessment

Masterschwerpunkt COG
BIN 1.B.01


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