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AND = Andreasstrasse 15, 8050 Zürich (Oerlikon)
BIN = Binzmühlestrasse 14, 8050 Zürich (Oerlikon)
KOL = Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich (Zentrum)
SOE = Schönenberggasse 11, 8001 Zürich (Zentrum)
SUM = Sumatrastrasse 30, 8006 Zürich
Datum | Referent(in) | Titel/Thema | Gastgeber/Link/Ort |
Di 17.02. |
Prof. Dr. Yale School of Management, Yale University, US |
Mindsets at Work: Achieving sustainable Gains in Happiness and Performance |
Masterschwerpunkt SOB |
Mi 18.02. |
Dr. rer.-nat. University of York, Heslington, York, U.K. |
Die Erfassung von Psychischer Belastung und "Wellbeing": Praktische und theoretische Herausforderungen für die Analyse und Nutzung psychometrischer Daten |
Masterschwerpunkt HEA |
Di 24.02. |
Prof. Dr. Ruhr-Universität Bochum, DE |
Contingency detection in infancy: The influence of acute stress and its role in later self-recognition |
Masterschwerpunkt DEV |
Mi 25.02. |
Prof. Dr. Department of Education and Psychology, Free University Berlin, DE |
Assessing competencies of students with special educational needs in large-scale assessments |
Masterschwerpunkt COG |
Di 03.03. |
Prof. em. Dr. University of Massachusetts, US |
Critiques of the Theory of Planned Behavior: Legitimate Concerns or Recurring Misconceptions? |
Masterschwerpunkt SOB |
Mi 04.03. |
Prof. Dr. Institut für Medizinische Psychologie Philipps-Universität Marburg, DE |
Der NTS-Reflexbogen und sein Einfluss auf die Behandlung chronischer Schmerzen |
Masterschwerpunkt HEA |
Di 10.03. |
Dr. rer. nat. University Hospital Regensburg, DE |
From lab to life, from single measures to life-time tracking: Entering new dimensions in clinical assessment of chronic tinnitus |
Masterschwerpunkt DEV |
Mi 11.03. |
Prof. Dr. Cognitive Brain Research Unit, Cognitive Science, Institute of Behavioural Sciences, University of Helsinki, Helsinki (FI) |
Music in our life span |
Masterschwerpunkt COG |
Di 17.03. |
Prof. Dr. University of Utrecht, NL |
I did good so now I can be bad: Justification Processes in Self-Regulation Failure |
Masterschwerpunkt SOB |
Mi 18.03. |
Prof. Dr. Ben-Gurion-University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel |
Coping, Conflict and Culture: The salutogenic approach in research among adolescents |
Masterschwerpunkt HEA |
Di 24.03. |
Prof. Dr. PERFORM Centre and Concordia University, Montréal |
Improving attentional control with cognitive training and physical exercise in sedentary older adults and at-risk populations |
Masterschwerpunkt DEV |
Mi 25.03. |
Prof. Dr. Wellcome-Beit Fellow, UCL Institute of Neurology Visiting Scholar, Institute of Cognitive and Brain Sciences, UC Berkeley (US) |
Working memory, neural noise and transsaccadic perception |
Masterschwerpunkt COG |
Di 31.03. |
Prof. Dr. University of Illinois, US |
The Blurry Boundaries of the Physical and the Mental |
Masterschwerpunkt SOB |
Mi 01.04. |
Prof. Dr. Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Universität Bern |
Nonverbale Synchronie in sozialer Interaktion |
Masterschwerpunkt HEA |
Di 14.04. |
Prof. Dr. University of Amsterdam, NL |
Understanding Trust and Human Cooperation |
Masterschwerpunkt SOB |
Mi 15.04. |
Prof. Dr. folgt |
Titelangabe folgt |
Masterschwerpunkt HEA |
Di 21.04. |
Prof. Dr. Universität Hildesheim, DE |
The development of development: Adaptation, adaptability, adaptivity, and other ad's |
Masterschwerpunkt DEV |
Mi 22.04. |
Dr. Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes, INSERM + AMU, Marseille (FR) |
Musical resonance |
Masterschwerpunkt COG |
Di 28.04. |
Dr. University of Toronto, US |
Saving Ego Depletion! Replication and Explaining Self-Control's Apparent Limits |
Masterschwerpunkt SOB |
Mi 29.04. |
Prof. Dr. UCLA Department of Psychology, Los Angeles, US |
Communication in Intimate Relationships: Unexpected Results and Emerging Controversies |
Masterschwerpunkt HEA |
Di 05.05. |
Dr. University of Cambridge |
Place and personality: A broad perspective on person-environment links |
Masterschwerpunkt DEV |
Mi 06.05. |
Prof. Dr. Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam (NL) |
Bayesian Hypothesis Testing: Why and How? |
Masterschwerpunkt COG |
Mi 12.05. |
Dr. Independent statistical consultant |
Quantitative EEG in Drug Discovery |
Masterschwerpunkt COG |
Di 12.05. |
Prof. Dr. Lancaster University, US |
Learning about objects and words in the first 15 months of life |
Masterschwerpunkt DEV |
Di 19.05. |
Prof. Dr. University of Giorgia, US |
Changes in Work an Workers: Evidence and Implications |
Masterschwerpunkt SOB |
Mi 20.05. |
Prof. Dr. VU University Amsterdam, NL |
Implementation of Internet treatments: stepped care models |
Masterschwerpunkt HEA |
Di 26.05. |
Prof. Dr. University of Kentucky, US |
Personality, self-regulation, and health |
Masterschwerpunkt DEV |
Mi 27.05. |
Prof. Dr. University of Virginia, US |
Perception Viewed as a Phenotypic Expression |
Masterschwerpunkt COG |
INAPIC Events |