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AND = Andreasstrasse 15, 8050 Zürich (Oerlikon)
BIN = Binzmühlestrasse 14, 8050 Zürich (Oerlikon)
KOL = Rämistrasse 71, 8006 Zürich (Zentrum)
SOE = Schönenberggasse 11, 8001 Zürich (Zentrum)
SUM = Sumatrastrasse 30, 8006 Zürich
27.02.2017 - Mo - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 DeNC
Prof. Dr. Julia Fischer - Deutsches Primatenzentrum Göttingen, D
Monkey cognition across the life-span
28.02.2017 - Di - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 SOB
Dipl.-Psych. Peter Friederichs - Human Capital Club, München, D
Human Capital als Erfolgsfaktor
07.03.2017 - Di - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 SOB
Prof. Dr. Dan Cable - London Business School, London, GB
Just be yourself? The role of applicant self-verification in organizational hiring decisions
13.03.2017 - Mo - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 DeNC
Prof. Dr. Cornelia Wrzus - Universität Mainz, D
Wie verändern sich Prozesse der Persönlichkeitsentwicklung über die Lebensspanne?
14.03.2017 - Di - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 SOB
Prof. Dr. Edward Hirt - Indiana University, Bloomington, USA
Counteracting depletion: Adventures in resource replenishment
20.03.2017 - Mo - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 DeNC
Prof. Dr. Lars Kai Hansen - Technical University of Denmark, DK
EEG in the wild
21.03.2017 - Di - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 SOB
Prof. Dr. Simone Kauffeld - Technische Universität Braunschweig, D
Gruppenprozesse in Meetings greifbar machen
28.03.2017 - Di - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 SOB
Prof. Dr. Karen Rook - University of California, Irvine, USA
The interpersonal context of chronic illness management: How others help or hinder
04.04.2017 - Di - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 SOB
Prof. Dr. Steffen Giessner - Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University, NL
A social identity perspective on distributive leader decisions: How group prototypicality and group norms shape behavior
05.04.2017 - Mi - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 HEA
Prof. Dr. Isaac Galatzer-Levy - New York University, New York, USA
Heterogeneity in response to a changing environment: Convergent evidence for diverse responses to stress from large populations to experimental manipulations
10.04.2017 - Mo - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 DeNC
Prof. Dr. - Werner X. Schneider - Universität Bielefeld, D
Competitive visual processing within and across eye fixations
11.04.2017 - Di - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 SOB
Prof. Dr. Jane Gillham - Swarthmore College, USA
Bringing out their best: Promoting students' resilience and strengths
12.04.2017 - Mi - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 HEA
Prof. Dr. Katja Beesdo-Baum - Technische Universität Dresden, Behaviorale Epidemiologie, D
Developmental epidemiology of anxiety and related disorders
26.04.2017 - Mi - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 HEA
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Tschacher - Universitätsklinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Bern, CH
Spezifische oder unspezifische Wirkweise von Psychotherapie?
03.05.2017 - Mi - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 HEA
Prof. Dr. Mark Cumming - University of Carolina, Los Angeles, Notre Dame Chair in Psychology Family Studies Center, USA
Emotional security theory: Theoretical model and empirical findings
08.05.2017 - Mo - 12:15–13:45 - BIN 1.B.01 DeNC
Prof. Dr. Samuel D. Gosling - University of Texas, USA
Putting personality in its place: The expression of personality in everyday life
09.05.2017 - Di - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 SOB
Prof. Dr. Ozlem Ayduk - University of California, Berkeley, USA
Third person self-talk: Implications for affect, cognition, and behavior under stress
10.05.2017 - Mi - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 HEA
Prof. Dr. med. Anita Riecher-Rössler - Chefärztin und Ordinaria für Psychiatrie, Zentrum für Gender Research und Früherkennung, Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken (UPK), Basel, CH
Depression in der Peripartalzeit
15.05.2017 - Mo - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 DeNC
Prof. Dr. Deborah Hall - University of Nottingham, UK
What evidence is there for brain changes associated with cochlear damage or tinnitus?
17.05.2017 - Mi - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 HEA
Dr. Maggie Schauer - Universität Konstanz, Klinische Psychologie, Kompetenzzentrum für Psychotraumatologie, D
Mental Health first! Die psychische Gesundheit minderjähriger Geflüchteter
29.05.2017 - Mo - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 DeNC
Prof. Dr. Mark Ferro - University of Waterloo, CA
What have we learned about co-occurring physical and mental health problems in children?
30.05.2017 - Di - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 SOB
Prof. Dr. John Antonakis - Université de Lausanne, CH
“Just words? Just speeches?” On the economic value of charismatic leadership
31.05.2017 - Mi - 16:15–18:00 - BIN 1.B.01 HEA
Dr. A. C del Re - Center for Innovation to Implementation VA Palo Alto Health Care System, California, USA
The impact of opioid medication discontinuation on suicide- and overdose-related outcomes
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