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Themenvergabe online über MS Teams (Einladung folgt) am 18. Februar 2025 12:30-13:30 Uhr |
Beschreibung: Startliteratur: Wu, C.-H., Weisman, H., Sung, L.-K., Erdogan, B., & Bauer, T. N. (2022). Perceived overqualification, felt organizational obligation, and extra-role behavior during the COVID-19 crisis: The moderating role of self-sacrificial leadership. Applied Psychology, 71(3), 983-1013.
Kontakt: Barbara Körner, E-Mail
Beschreibung: Startliteratur: Puranik, H., Koopman, J., & Vough, H. C. (2021). Excuse me, do you have a minute? An exploration of the dark- and bright-side effects of daily work interruptions for employee well-being. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106, 1867-1884.
Kontakt: Barbara Körner, E-Mail
Beschreibung: Startquelle: Borman, T. C., Dunlop, P. D., Gagne, M., & Neale, M. (2023). Improving reactions to forced-choice personality measures in simulated job application contexts through the satisfaction of psychological needs. Journal of Business and Psychology.
Kontakt: Valerie Schröder, E-Mail
Beschreibung: Furnham, A., Sadka, V., & Brewin, C. R. (1992). The development of an occupational attributional style questionnaire. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 13(1), 27-39.
Kontakt: Johanna Bayon, E-Mail
Beschreibung: Zhang, N., Wang, M., Xu, H., Koenig, N., Hickman, L., Kuruzovich, J., ... & Kim, Y. (2023). Reducing subgroup differences in personnel selection through the application of machine learning. Personnel Psychology, 76(4), 1125-1159.
Kontakt: Johanna Bayon, E-Mail
Beschreibung: Startquelle: Brenner, F. S., Ortner, T. M., & Fay, D. (2016). Asynchronous video interviewing as a new technology in personnel selection: The applicant?s point of view. Frontiers in psychology, 7 (863). doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00863
Kontakt: Valerie Schröder, E-Mail