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Psychologisches Institut Klinische Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Psychotherapieforschung 


Elisa Haller


since 2015 PhD student at the Department of Clinical Psychology with Focus on Psychotherapy Research, University of Zurich. Supervisor: Prof Birgit Watzke
2014 - 2015 Postgraduate studies in Clinical and Health Psychology (theoretical module), Schloss Hofen, Austria
Master of Science in Psychology, University of Zurich
Specialisation: Clinical and Health Psychology
2008 - 2011 Bachelor of Science in Psychology, University of Innsbruck
2010 - 2011 Year abroad, University of New Orleans (USA)

Research, Employment and Internships

2014 - 2015 Visiting Researcher at the Policy Research Group, University of Cambridge (UK).
2014 - 2015 Resarch Assistant at Cogentia Healthcare Consulting, Cambridge (UK).
2013 - 2014 Senior Coordinator Junior Researcher Programme and JRP Conference hosted by the University of Cambridge.
2013 - 2014 Senior Coordinator of hosting the European Summer School 2014 in Austria.
2013 - 2014 Teaching Assistant (2 semesters) Department of Clinical Psychology with focus on Psychotherapy Research, University of Zurich.
2013 Teaching Assistant (1 semester) Department of Psychological Methods, Evaluation and Statistics, University of Zurich.
2013 Research Internship (2 months) Global Health Access Policy-Project, Junior Researcher Programme hosted by the University of Cambridge.
2012 - 2013 Research Internship (5 months) Department of Cognitive Neuroscience, University of Zurich.
2012 Research and Clinical Internship (6 months) in private psychiatry Clienia Schlössli, Oetwil am See (CH).
2012 - 2013 Participant Junior Researcher Programme 2012-13
2012 Participant European Summer School 2012 in Portugal.
2010 Research Internship at SPIT-lab (6 months), Department of Psychology, University of New Orleans (USA).
2010 Clinical Internship at alcohol rehabilitation centre Maria Ebene, Frastanz (AT).
2007 Voluntary Year of Social Service in a homeless residence, Graz (AT).

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