Ana Vedes, Dr. phil.
- ehem. PhD Student
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2011 - 2014 | PhD Internship in the Institute of Psychology, Department of Clinical Psychology (Children/Adolescents and Couples/Families) of the University of Zurich, Switzerland. |
2010 - 2014 | PhD Grant by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology for the project Risk and Resilience Factors for the Promotion of Couples Satisfaction: A Path to Prevention? This PhD is enrolled in the Inter-University PhD Program in Clinical Psychology - Family Psychology and Family Interventions - organized by the University of Coimbra and the University of Lisbon, Portugal. Scientific orientation by Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Lind (University of Lisbon, Portugal) and Prof. Dr. Guy Bodenmann (University of Zurich, Switzerland.). |
2009-2010 | Advanced Training Course in Family Psychology and Family Interventions, by the Universities of Lisbon and Coimbra, Portugal. |
2008-2009 | Specialization in Family Mediation and Conflict Resolution by the Portuguese Institute of Family Mediation. Development of a final group work on "Bicultural couples and Ethnic Minorities: Implications for Family Mediation." |
2008 | Internship as therapist and member of the observing team, at the Community Service for Families and Individuals of Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon (6 months). |
2008-2009 | Coordinator of the Unit for the Integration in Working Life (UNIVA) and Socio-cultural Animator, in the Group of Schools Ferreira de Castro, in Algueirão/Mem-Martins, Portugal. |
2006-2007 | Academic Internship in the Department of Psychology and Orientation of the Basic School Ferreira de Castro, in in Algueirãao/Mem-Martins, Portugal. |
2008 | Master Dissertation in Clinical and Health Psychology, “Looking" Satisfaction: an exploratory study with Portuguese Couples” (http://hdl.handle.net/10451/3080) about the relationships between global marital satisfaction, satisfaction with intimacy, closeness, attachment and satisfaction with communication and conflict, by the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Lisbon, Portugal. |
2001-2008 | Master Degree in Clinical Psychology - Cognitive Behavioral and Systemic variant (300 ECTS) |
Family Psychology – Couples` satisfaction and resilience, attachment, closeness, intimacy and conflict processes, stress and dyadic coping and creation of shared meaning. Specifically, the promotion of resilience in intimate relationships in order to prevent couples` and parental dysfunctions, with all different type of couples, throughout their life cycle.
Family Interventions - Prevention, Couples Enrichment, Couples Therapy, Family and Conflict Mediation.
Cross-cultural, Minorities, Immigration studies and Community Psychology.