Petruta Rusu, Dr. phil.
- ehem. PostDoc SCIEX
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since 2013 | Postdoc, Department of Clinical Psychology: Children/Adolescents & Couples/Families, University of Zurich (supervised by Prof. Dr. G. Bodenmann, University of Zurich, and Prof. Dr. M.N.Turliuc, “A.I.Cuza” University, Iaşi, Romania) Research project: SCIEX Postdoc fellowship, Project 12.273: FS-CID: Family stress-Contextual, Individual, and Dyadic factors |
since 2013 | Lecturer, Faculty of Educational Sciences, “Stefan cel Mare University”, Suceava, Romania |
2008-2013 | Teaching assistant, Faculty of Educational Sciences, “Stefan cel Mare” University, Suceava, Romania |
2003-2009 | School psychologist, “Stefan cel Mare” National College, Suceava, Romania |
2012 | PhD in Psychology; PhD thesis: Religiosity and religious coping in couple and family relations. Therapeutical implications (superviser Prof. Dr. M.N.Turliuc, “A.I.Cuza” University, Iaşi , Romania) |
2011 | Master degree in Couple and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy, “Al. I.Cuza University”, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Iaşi, Romania |
1999-2003 | Bachelor degree in Psychology, “Babeş-Bolyai” University, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Cluj-Napoca, Romania |
Family stress, dyadic coping, family financial strain, marital quality, partner’s well-being, family religiosity, dyadic data analyses.