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Central IT Staff

General Terms and Conditions

Scientific Illustration and Visual Communication SIVIC

1. MELS generally provides services for research and teaching at the UZH and for departments of the UZH's Central Services and museums free of charge. MELS will provide information about any partial services that may be subject to a charge at the initial consultation before the start of the project.

2. According to the financial handbook, all project participants on the part of the client who provide services relevant to copyright law must transfer the rights of use and exploitation to the University of Zurich.

3. (Co-)authors on the part of MELS have the right to be named personally. MELS as an organizational unit also has the right to be named as (co-)author. The copyrights of works created by MELS remain with MELS.

4. The scope of use of the works created by MELS is determined by the purpose of the order agreed between the customer and MELS. In particular, works created by MELS or parts thereof that are handed over to the customer may only be used within the scope of the agreed order. Any further use requires MELS' prior approval. Any changes to the works (or parts thereof) created by MELS must always be approved by MELS.

5. MELS is entitled to use parts of a product created by it in one project in further projects without the need to indicate the source and without consulting the customer. This right refers to material that is neutral in terms of content (e.g. scientific and free illustrations or print and web design) and does not show any obvious connection with the original project.

6. Projects are planned jointly by the customer and MELS. The scope of the order shall be determined before work commences. Additional or supplementary orders are recorded as separate projects and scheduled individually. Both parties shall endeavor to meet the agreed deadlines to the best extent possible. In particular, the customer shall assume responsibility for coordination with third parties it has consulted itself.

7. The customer shall provide MELS with the documents and HR resources required by the customer for the provision of the agreed services in a timely manner.

8. MELS reserves the right to terminate projects if the customer does not respond to repeated requests within four weeks.

9. The customer is responsible for obtaining all rights of use for the copyrighted material to be used in the products.

10. Five specimen copies of all finished print products (including reprints) shall be sent to MELS without being requested to do so.

11. Deviating agreements are possible upon consultation.