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Psychologisches Institut

Post-Doktorandin Katharina Antognini

Katharina Antognini, Dr.

  • Post-Doktorandin


  • Zusammenhang von Handlung und Sprache
  • Verarbeitung von Handlung und Sprache im Gehirn
  • Handlungsverständnis


2009-2012 Bachelor of Science in Psychologie, Universität Zürich

2012-2015 Master of Science in Psychologie, Universität Zürich

2014 Forschungspraktikum Neuropsychologie, Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI), Montréal, Kanada

seit 2015 Doktorandin Psychologisches Institut, Universität Zürich


Ledergerber, K., & Daum, M. M. (2015). Turning words into actions: The early development of a sensorimotor representation of action language. Poster presented at the LIFE Fall Academy, Schloss Marbach, Germany.

Ledergerber, K., Kurthen, I., & Daum, M. M. (2015). A developmental perspective on the action-language link. Poster presented at the EEGLAB Workshop 2015, Sheffield, United Kingdom.

Ledergerber, K., Kurthen, I., & Daum, M. M. (2015). When pseudo verbs are no longer pseudo verbs: Language-action association fosters mu- and beta-suppression in response to pseudo verbs. Poster presented at the LiMaDoKo 2015, Zurich, Switzerland.

Ledergerber, K., Toller, G., & Jokeit, H. (2014). Your inside is out and your outside is in? An fMRI case study on the art of acting. Presented at the MNI Neuropsychology Day, Montreal, Canada.