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Termin: 17.9.2024 Zeit: 14:00-15:00 BIN 3.D.27 Bei der Modulbuchung beachten Sie bitte: Betreuungsperson = Prof. Dr. Johannes Ullrich; Ko-Betreuer*in = die beim Thema genannte Kontaktperson. |
Beschreibung: This thesis investigates the perceived and actual differences in opinions across age groups, with a specific focus on whether individuals become more conservative as they age. The study will review significant publications in this field and interpret the findings using a two-dimensional framework (specifically cultural vs. economic issues) rather than the traditional left-right dimension. By analyzing socio-psychological factors that mediate these opinion shifts, this research aims to provide insights into the dynamics of ideological change over the lifespan
Please read: Peterson, J. C., Smith, K. B., & Hibbing, J. R. (2020). Do people really become more conservative as they age?. The Journal of Politics, 82(2), 600-611.
Kontakt: Léïla Eisner, E-Mail
Beschreibung: Pluralistic ignorance refers to the gap there is between what individuals believe others think and what the latter actually think. Research generally shows that there is a systematic conservative bias in estimating public opinion with politicians tending to overestimate how conservative public opinion is on issues such as immigration, abortion, or same-sex marriage. In the public at large, studies have also documented that individuals tend to think that public opinion is less favourable to a range of social issue than it actually is. The primary objective of this thesis is twofold: firstly, to discuss studies that have documented instance of pluralistic ignorance and, particularly, conservative bias among the public at large. Second, the aim is to discuss potential socio-psychological factors, particularly false consensus and false uniqueness, that might explain these effects.
Please read: Eisner, L., Spini, D., & Sommet, N. (2020). A contingent perspective on pluralistic ignorance: When the attitudinal object matters. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 32(1), 25-45.
Kontakt: Léïla Eisner, E-Mail
Beschreibung: In der Sozialpsychologie und verwandten Disziplinen sind soziale Ungleichheiten ein beliebtes Forschungsthema. Bachelorarbeiten zu diesem Thema sollen den Fokus auf aktuelle empirische Forschung zu sozialen Ungleichheiten legen. Der erste Schritt besteht darin, die entsprechende Literatur zu sichten und zusammezutragen, welche spezifischen sozialen Ungleichheiten untersucht werden. Dabei soll analysiert werden, wie genau soziale Ungleichheiten beschrieben und untersucht werden. Darauf aufbauend soll diskutiert werden, welchen formalen, methodischen und theoretischen Aspekten möglicherweise zu wenig Beachtung geschenkt wird. Schliesslich soll konstruktive Kritik geübt werden, indem konkrete Verbesserungsvorschläge ausgearbeitet werden. Die Arbeit kann auf Englisch oder Deutsch verfasst werden.
Kontakt: Simone Sebben, E-Mail
Beschreibung: This bachelor thesis will elaborate on ways to combat prejudice against sexual minorities.
Kontakt: Tabea Hässler, E-Mail
Beschreibung: This bachelor thesis will be based on recent studies on the relationship between intergroup contact and support for social change.
Kontakt: Tabea Hässler, E-Mail