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Termin: 18.2.2025 Zeit: 14:00-15:30 BIN 3.D.27 Bei der Modulbuchung beachten Sie bitte: Betreuungsperson = Prof. Dr. Johannes Ullrich; Ko-Betreuer*in = die beim Thema genannte Kontaktperson. |
Beschreibung: In dieser Bachelorarbeit wirst du eine Recherche durchführen, die an einer bestehenden Meta-Analyse ansetzt (van Stekelenburg et al., 2022). Inhaltlich geht es darum, inwiefern Kommunikation von wissenschaftlichem Konsens dazu beiträgt, mögliche Fehlwahrnehmungen und falsche Überzeugungen zu korrigieren. Das Hauptgewicht liegt auf einer inhaltlichen Erweiterung der Meta-Analyse; neue statistische Analysen sind bei Interesse möglich, jedoch nicht erforderlich. Zu diesem Thema können zwei Arbeiten (Deutsch oder Englisch) verfasst werden.
van Stekelenburg, A., Schaap, G., Veling, H., van?t Riet, J., & Buijzen, M. (2022). Scientific-consensus communication about contested science: A preregistered meta-analysis. Psychological Science, 33(12), 1989-2008.
Kontakt: Simone Sebben, E-Mail
Beschreibung: This thesis aims to investigate the impact of legal changes resulting from public votes or institutional decisions on norm perceptions, public opinion, and behaviors. The primary focus involves conducting a thorough literature review to address the question: "How do legal changes shape norm perceptions?"
Please read: Clark, C. S., Paluck, E. L., Westwood, S. J., Sen, M., Malhotra, N., & Jessee, S. (2023). Effects of a US Supreme Court ruling to restrict abortion rights. Nature Human Behaviour, 1-9.; Tankard, M. E., & Paluck, E. L. (2016). Norm perception as a vehicle for social change. Social Issues and Policy Review, 10(1), 181-211.
Kontakt: Léïla Eisner, E-Mail
This bachelor thesis examines interventions that utilize narratives and storytelling to promote positive change in prosocial behavior and intergroup relations. It will adopt an applied perspective, focusing on experimental studies conducted in real-world settings to measure the impact of these interventions. Drawing guidance from Kurt Lewin?s theories on action research and the full-cycle model in social psychology, the thesis will rely on the two-way relationship between applied interventions and foundational theory. Students may choose to narrow their focus to a specific niche within the broader domains of prosocial behavior and intergroup relations.
For an introduction to narratives, see: Murrar, S., & Brauer, M. (2019). Overcoming Resistance to Change: Using Narratives to Create More Positive Intergroup Attitudes. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 28(2), 164-169.
Kontakt: Onur Yasa, E-Mail
Hate speech, a complex form of language discrimination, adversely impacts its victims but also bystanders. Exposure to hate speech targeting one?s group is associated with decreased physical and mental health, social malfunctioning, and risk behaviors in the victims. Bystanders show desensitization, marked by lack of empathy towards the victims, negative changes in attitudes and behaviors towards the victims, radicalization, as well as normalization of non-related forms of asocial behavior. This thesis will review the impact of hate speech exposure in victims and bystanders. The focus of the thesis will be interventions that can mitigate the adverse impact of hate speech on its victims and bystanders.
Please read:
Soral, W., Bilewicz, M., & Winiewski, M. (2018). Exposure to hate speech increases prejudice through desensitization. Aggressive behavior, 44(2), 136-146.
Kontakt: Sylvie Graf, E-Mail
Beschreibung: Intergroup interactions can change outgroup attitudes. However, opportunities for interacting with outgroup members can be limited, especially if such groups are stigmatized or marginalized in society. Consequently, mass media represents one of the main sources of information about these outgroups. This thesis will review studies focusing on the impact of mass media on shaping intergroup relations, distinguishing between news and entertainment programs. An emphasis will be placed on the frequency and valence of distinct mass media content to disentangle the complex effect of mass media on attitudes toward stigmatized groups in current mass media landscape.
Please read:
Graf, S., Linhartova, P., & Sczesny, S. (2020). The effects of news report valence and linguistic labels on prejudice against social minorities. Media Psychology, 23(2), 215-243.
Kontakt: Sylvie Graf, E-Mail
Direct, face-to-face, interactions with members of stigmatized groups can challenge prejudice against the stigmatized groups. Nevertheless, people often do not have opportunities for direct contact, or are reluctant to seize such opportunities. In this context, online interactions can step into place and be used as means of improving intergroup relations. This thesis will review relevant publications in this research line, focusing on the type of online interactions that can be employed to improve intergroup relations. An emphasis is placed on the opportunities and challenges afforded by online environments.
Please read:
White, F. A., & Abu-Rayya, H. M. (2012). A dual identity-electronic contact (DIEC) experiment promoting short-and long-term intergroup harmony. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 48(3), 597-608.
Kontakt: Sylvie Graf, E-Mail
Beschreibung: When navigating intergroup relations, people observe behaviors and preferences of relevant others. These observations (i.e., descriptive social norms) and perceived preferences (i.e., injunctive social norms) of one?s ingroup and outgroups can influence whether people get in touch with members of other groups (i.e., intergroup contact) and how they feel about outgroups (i.e., prejudice). This thesis will review studies focusing on the role of descriptive and injunctive norms in intergroup contact in prejudice. The understanding about how normative influence shape people?s preferences in intergroup context can help tailoring effective interventions to improve tensed intergroup relations.
Please read:
Meleady, R. (2021). ?Nudging? intergroup contact: Normative social influences on intergroup contact engagement. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 24(7), 1180-1199.
Kontakt: Sylvie Graf, E-Mail
Beschreibung: This thesis investigates the perceived and actual differences in opinions across age groups, with a specific focus on whether individuals become more conservative as they age. The study will review significant publications in this field and interpret the findings using a two-dimensional framework (specifically cultural vs. economic issues) rather than the traditional left-right dimension. By analyzing socio-psychological factors that mediate these opinion shifts, this research aims to provide insights into the dynamics of ideological change over the lifespan
Please read: Peterson, J. C., Smith, K. B., & Hibbing, J. R. (2020). Do people really become more conservative as they age?. The Journal of Politics, 82(2), 600-611.
Kontakt: Léïla Eisner, E-Mail
Beschreibung: In der Sozialpsychologie und verwandten Disziplinen sind soziale Ungleichheiten ein beliebtes Forschungsthema. Bachelorarbeiten zu diesem Thema sollen den Fokus auf aktuelle empirische Forschung zu sozialen Ungleichheiten legen. Der erste Schritt besteht darin, die entsprechende Literatur zu sichten und zusammezutragen, welche spezifischen sozialen Ungleichheiten untersucht werden. Dabei soll analysiert werden, wie genau soziale Ungleichheiten beschrieben und untersucht werden. Darauf aufbauend soll diskutiert werden, welchen formalen, methodischen und theoretischen Aspekten möglicherweise zu wenig Beachtung geschenkt wird. Schliesslich soll konstruktive Kritik geübt werden, indem konkrete Verbesserungsvorschläge ausgearbeitet werden. Die Arbeit kann auf Englisch oder Deutsch verfasst werden.
Kontakt: Simone Sebben, E-Mail