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Psychologisches Institut

Previous Award Winners


In 2024, the prizes were awarded for work that was published or submitted in 2023.

ExPra (sponsored by psych alumni)
Lisa Degiorgi, Elin Weimer, and Debora Marucci (Professorship for Cognitive Psychology), for their report entitled „Der Hebb-Effekt in Listen mit Wiederholung an ungeraden Item-Positionen“ -- see the picture taken at the award ceremony during the Expra congress 2024:

Award Ceremony Open Science Prize Expra 2024

Master's theses (sponsored by psych alumni)
Noah Rischert (Professorship for Cognitive Psychology) for his thesis entitled „Second Thoughts Are Not Better Than Second Looks - Revisiting the Benefit of Refreshing on Long-Term Memory“.

Doctoral students (sponsored by URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging)
1) Markus Tröndle (Professorship for Methods of Plasticity Research) for his paper entitled „Decomposing age effects in EEG alpha power“, and
2) Philipp Musfeld (Professorship for Cognitive Psychology) for his paper entitled „Testing Expectations and Retrieval Practice Modulate Repetition Learning of Visuospatial Arrays“


In 2023, the prizes were awarded for work that was published or submitted in 2022.

ExPra (sponsored by psych alumni)
Livia Heer, Denise Küttel, Ulysse Marendaz and Anna Sophie Rosch (Social Psychology): „Cross-Valence Inhibition in Evaluating Attributes of Everyday Situations“.

Master's theses (sponsored by psych alumni)
Nathalie Appenzeller (Methods of Plasticity Research): "Forking a Way Through the Replication Crisis in Psychology: A Conceptual Replication of a Multiverse Analysis on Frontal Alpha Asymmetry in Depression on a Sample of Children and Adolescents“.

Doctoral students (sponsored by URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging)
Hannah Dames (Cognitive Psychology): «Directed forgetting in working memory».

Postdocs (sponsored by URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging)
Sebastian Horn (Developmental Psychology: Adulthood): «Adult age differences in remembering gain- and loss-related intentions».


In 2022, the prizes were awarded for work that was published or submitted in 2021.

Expra (sponsored by psych alumni)
Alina Gopurathingal, Elena Wahrenberger, Leonie Spring, Lara Kirchhofer, and Xenia Sticher (supervision: M.Sc. Zita Mayer, Developmental Psychology: Adulthood): „Experimentelle Untersuchung emotionaler Konsequenzen bei Zielkonflikten: Bedauern - Was wird mehr bedauert, das Pausieren oder das Aufgeben von konfligierenden Zielen?“

Noah Aydemir, Dominique Eichenberger, Kimberly Geisnæs, Darleen Hunziker, and Larissa Leuenberger (supervision: M.Sc. Zita Mayer, Developmental Psychology: Adulthood): „Konflikterleben: Wie beeinflusst das Aufgeben bzw. Pausieren von konfligierenden Zielen das Konflikterleben?“. 

Master's theses (sponsored by psych alumni)
M.Sc. Simona Ammann (Developmental Psychology: Infancy and Childhood): "Exploring the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on children’s development: Does the sustained seeing of others wearing facial masks influence emotion recognition in preschoolers?“. 

Doctoral students (sponsored by URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging)
Dr. Charlotte Kukowski (Psychology of Motivation, Volition, and Emotion): "Self-Control and Beliefs Surrounding Others’ Cooperation Predict Own Health-Protective Behaviors and Support for COVID-19 Government Regulations: Evidence From Two European Countries“,

Postdocs (sponsored by URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging)
Dr. Lea Bartsch (Cognitive Psychology): "Freeing Capacity in Working Memory (WM) Through the Use of Long-Term Memory (LTM) Representations“,, preprint:


In 2021, the prizes were awarded for work that was published or submitted in 2020.

Expra (sponsored by psych alumni)
Milena Bissig, Boris Dietschi, Myrto Dolcetti, & Livio Fosco (supervision Dr. Katharina Weitkamp and Dr. Fabienne Meier, Clinical Psychology for Children/Adolescents and Couples/Families): „Team im Leben – Team im Stress. Der Einfluss von sozialer Ausgrenzung und Eifersucht in der Partnerschaft auf die Stimmung“.

Doctoral students (sponsored by URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging)
M.Sc. Martyna Beata Plomecka (Methods of Plasticity Research): „Aging Effects and Test–Retest Reliability of Inhibitory Control for Saccadic Eye Movements“.

Postdocs (sponsored by URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging)
Dr. Katharina Bernecker (Psychology of Motivation, Volition, and Emotion): "Beyond Self-Control: Mechanisms of Hedonic Goal Pursuit and Its Relevance for Well-Being“.


In 2020, the prizes were awarded for work that was published or submitted in 2019.

Expra (sponsored by psych alumni)
Yoanna Christova, Jonas Moldenhauer, David Renold, & Leonie Ziehmann (supervision: M.Sc. Antonia Kreibich and Dr. Benjamin Wolf, Psychology of Motivation, Volition, and Emotion): „Maybe later: Der Effekt von Ambivalenz auf unmittelbare Prokrastination“.

Master's thesis (sponsored by psych alumni)
M.Sc. Simone Sebben (Social Psychology): „Why? Because! Can Conditionals Explain Explanations?“

Doctoral students (sponsored by URPP Dynamics of Healthy Aging)
M.Sc. Tabea Meier (Gerontopsychologie und Gerontologie): „(Not) Lost in Translation: Psychological Adaptation Occurs During Speech Translation“.