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Psychologisches Institut Allgemeine Psychologie (Kognition)

Themen für Bachelorarbeiten

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    Betreuungsperson der Bachelorarbeit: Prof. Dr. K. Oberauer



  • Which Mechanisms Underlie Cross-Set Set-Size Effects in Working Memory?

    Beschreibung: Beschreibung: Working memory is a capacity-limited cognitive system essential for the temporary storage and manipulation of information. When storing two sets of items (e.g., sets A and B) for immediate testing, prior studies have shown that varying the number of items in one set disproportionately affects performance for that specific set compared to the other (e.g., Markov et al., 2019; Ni et al., 2024). However, the extent to which this effect depends on additional parameters and the underlying cognitive mechanisms remains unclear. The aim of this Bachelor?s thesis is to address these gaps by systematically reviewing studies that have reported such effects and comparing their methodologies. The findings will serve as a basis for generating hypotheses about the cognitive processes enabling these asymmetries, offering insights into the interaction between dual-set designs and working memory performance.
    Markov, Y. A., Tiurina, N. A., & Utochkin, I. S. (2019). Different features are stored independently in visual working memory but mediated by object-based representations. Acta Psychologica, 197, 52?63.
    Ni, J., Fu, J., Wang, R., Yang, C., & Cai, Y. (2024). Asymmetric Interaction Effects of Information with Varying Priorities in Visual Working Memory. Preprint.

    Kontakt: Noah Rischert, E-Mail

    [ Einzelthema ]
    Status: offen (erfasst / geändert: 21.01.2025)
  • What is the origin of the retro-cue benefit in working memory?

    Beschreibung: Working memory can be defined as a capacity-limited cognitive system that is used for the storage and manipulation of information. Within working memory, information can be prioritized by using a retro-cue. A retro-cue is typically a spatial cue that indicates which of the memory items will be most relevant for the upcoming memory test (Griffin & Nobre, 2003; Landman et al., 2003). When a retro-cue is used, memory performance has been found to be improved for the cued item in comparison to the uncued items. The memory performance benefit for the cued item is such a robust finding in the literature that it is considered a benchmark in working memory research (see Oberauer et al., 2018). Still, it remains unclear why this benefit arises. Past studies have proposed different hypotheses (see Souza & Oberauer, 2016 for an overview), but no consensus has been reached so far.
    The goal of the Bachelor thesis is to review literature and gather evidence for or against the different hypotheses proposed in Souza and Oberauer?s (2016) review, with a strong focus on articles published since Souza and Oberauer?s (2016) review article.


    Griffin, I. C., & Nobre, A. C. (2003). Orienting Attention to Locations in Internal Representations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15(8), 1176?1194.

    Landman, R., Spekreijse, H., & Lamme, V. A. F. (2003). Large capacity storage of integrated objects before change blindness. Vision Research, 43(2), 149?164.

    Oberauer, K., Lewandowsky, S., Awh, E., Brown, G. D. A., Conway, A., Cowan, N., Donkin, C., Farrell, S., Hitch, G. J., Hurlstone, M. J., Ma, W. J., Morey, C. C., Nee, D. E., Schweppe, J., Vergauwe, E., & Ward, G. (2018). Benchmarks for models of short-term and working memory. Psychological Bulletin, 144(9), 885?958.

    Souza, A. S., & Oberauer, K. (2016). In search of the focus of attention in working memory: 13 years of the retro-cue effect. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.

    Kontakt: Klaus Oberauer, E-Mail

    [ Einzelthema ]
    Status: offen (erfasst / geändert: 09.01.2025)
  • Current models measuring working memory capacity in change detection paradigms

    Beschreibung: Working memory (WM), the ability to temporarily hold information for further processing, is recognized for its limited capacity. Measuring WM capacity is essential for understanding its function and its interaction with other cognitive processes. A widely used and reliable method for experimentally measuring WM capacity is the change detection paradigm. Typically in this paradigm, participants are instructed to remember an array of information and identify any differences between this initial array and a second array presented after a brief delay. Additionally, computational measurement models allow researchers to conceptually analyse, specify, and formalize theoretical frameworks that have been proposed and debated, such as the discrete-slots and variable-precision models of WM capacity limits. This Bachelor?s thesis aims to review the application of current measurement models in change detection paradigms, as well as their shared and unique theoretical implications on WM capacity.
    Kontakt: Dr. Shuangke Jiang, E-Mail

    [ Einzelthema ]
    Status: offen (erfasst / geändert: 02.07.2024)
  • Beschreibung: Age-related memory impairment, a common consequence of the ageing process, affects millions of individuals worldwide, posing significant challenges to maintaining cognitive health and quality of life. Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), a non-invasive brain stimulation technique, has emerged as a potential intervention to mitigate these impairments. During a tACS session, electrodes are placed on the scalp to deliver mild electrical currents at specific frequencies. These currents interact with the brain's natural rhythms, particularly those linked to memory processes, such as theta or gamma waves. Despite its potential, the underlying mechanisms by which tACS influences memory processes are not fully understood. Furthermore, the effects of tACS can be variable and depend on numerous factors, including electrode placement, stimulation parameters, and individual differences. The goal of the current Bachelor thesis is to synthesise recent findings on how tACS can tackle age-related memory decline, focusing on its mechanisms, efficacy, and future directions.
    Kontakt: Dr. Shuangke Jiang, E-Mail

    [ Einzelthema ]
    Status: offen (erfasst / geändert: 02.07.2024)
  • The role of visual attention and eye movements in memory retrieval (ENG)

    Beschreibung: Looking at nothing effect (LAN) describes the behavior that individuals look at empty spatial locations during the retrieval of information which was previously associated with these locations. Over the years, the effect has been found to be quite robust and observed across a wide variety of experiments. However, the studies have not focused on understanding the role of visual attention in the effect. Visual attention is linked to both eye movements and working memory. Moreover, focus of attention, a selection mechanism in the working memory also interacts with visual attention. The idea of the thesis is to review the literature on the link between eye movements and visual attention and on the interaction between visual attention and working memory and how this review can help in informing the work on the Looking at Nothing Effect.
    Kontakt: Ruhi Bhanap, E-Mail

    [ Einzelthema ]
    Status: offen (erfasst / geändert: 01.12.2021)



  • Attending and Ignoring, two sides of the same attentional selection coin?

    Beschreibung: Visual attention is a cognitive process for selecting information in the perceived environment. One way this occurs is by holding relevant information in working memory, which then guides our attention. While much of the existing research has investigated how we direct our attention to relevant information in the visual space, a growing body of work has begun to explore a less studied function of attention: ignoring irrelevant information that does not contribute to our cognitive tasks. The literature reveals two contrasting perspectives on this process. One perspective suggests that information held in working memory automatically guides attention, making it inherently difficult to ignore irrelevant stimuli in the visual space (Olivers et al., 2006). The other perspective proposes that working memory can flexibly guide attention, enabling us to both attend to and ignore information as needed (Carlisle, 2023). Furthermore, recent research supporting this second viewpoint suggests that the mechanisms underlying attending to and ignoring information may be shared. This Bachelor thesis aims to review the existing literature on these two perspectives, critically evaluate their theoretical assumptions, and propose novel approaches for empirically testing these ideas. References: Olivers, C. N., Meijer, F., & Theeuwes, J. (2006). Feature-based memory-driven attentional capture: visual working memory content affects visual attention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 32(5), 1243. Carlisle, N. B. (2023). Negative and positive templates: Two forms of cued attentional control. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 85(3), 585-595.
    Anzahl Arbeiten für dieses Thema:
    Eingabedatum: 20.01.2025
    Kontakt: Ruhi Bhanap, E-Mail

    Status: vergeben (erfasst / geändert: 21.02.2025)
  • How do repetitions help our memory?

    Beschreibung: Repetitions help to remember things better: We study the translation of words over and over again when learning the vocabulary of a new language, or repeatedly go over the content of a lecture when studying for an exam. Repetitions undoubtedly strengthen our memories but the cognitive mechanisms underlying this effect are still under ongoing discussion. Whereas some theories claim that repetitions gradually strengthen a single trace in memory that grows in strength, other theories claim that each repetition creates a new instance in memory that can inherit (or link to) previous encounters of the same content. The goal of this bachelor thesis is to review different accounts on how repetitions benefit memory and to critically evaluate their support by the current state of empirical evidence.
    Anzahl Arbeiten für dieses Thema:
    Eingabedatum: 09.01.2025
    Kontakt: Philipp Musfeld, E-Mail

    Status: vergeben (erfasst / geändert: 19.02.2025)
  • How do expectations influence representations in working memory?

    Beschreibung: Working memory is our central system for temporarily maintaining information for further use in thought and action. In that way, working memory operates goal-oriented, and should maintain information in a way that is best suited for solving the task at hand. Our expectations of how we anticipate to use external information in an ongoing task, therefore, should be a crucial factor in influencing how we encode and subsequently represent that information in working memory. The goal of this bachelor thesis is to review the literature on how expectations can shape representations in working memory and to critically discuss what these findings imply for the flexibility of our working memory system.
    Anzahl Arbeiten für dieses Thema:
    Eingabedatum: 09.01.2025
    Kontakt: Philipp Musfeld, E-Mail

    Status: vergeben (erfasst / geändert: 19.02.2025)
  • Declarative and Procedural Working Memory: Independent or Not Independent?

    Beschreibung: Researchers distinguish between two types of working memory representations: declarative and procedural representations. Declarative representations refer to the objects of our thoughts. For example, when we try to remember the items on our shopping list. By contrast, procedural representations refer to the actions that we perform with these objects of thoughts. Continuing with our example, this could be for instance that if we find the eggs on our shopping list that we remember to place them on the very top of our shopping basket. However, it is an ongoing debate whether declarative and procedural working memory are independent of each other and draw on different limited working memory capacities or whether they are dependent on each other and draw on the same capacity. Oberauer (2009) proposed that declarative and procedural working memory are two subsystems within working memory that are structured and function analogously but are independent from one another (e.g., Souza et al., 2012). Yet, some researchers state that declarative and procedural working memory are (under certain circumstances) not independent from one another and share the same capacity (e.g., Barrouillet et al., 2015; Formica et al., 2020). The aim of this Bachelor?s thesis is to 1) gather and review the literature that discusses the independence between declarative and procedural working memory and 2) discuss based on the literature review whether these two working memory subsystems are independent or not. Barrouillet, P., Corbin, L., Dagry, I., & Camos, V. (2015). An empirical test of the independence between declarative and procedural working memory in Oberauer's (2009) theory. Psychonomic bulletin & review, 22(4), 1035?1040. Formica, S., González-García, C., & Brass, M. (2020). The effects of declaratively maintaining and proactively proceduralizing novel stimulus-response mappings. Cognition, 201, 104295. Oberauer, K. (2009). Design for a working memory. In B. H. Ross (Ed.), The psychology of learning and motivation (pp. 45?100). Elsevier Academic Press. Souza, A. S., Oberauer, K., Gade, M., & Druey, M. D. (2012). Processing of representations in declarative and procedural working memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 65(5), 1006-1033.
    Anzahl Arbeiten für dieses Thema:
    Eingabedatum: 31.07.2024
    Kontakt: Isabel Courage, E-Mail

    Status: vergeben (erfasst / geändert: 03.02.2025)
  • Lernen im Studium - sind Podcasts hilfreich oder hinderlich?

    Beschreibung: Sind Podcast-Aufzeichnungen von Vorlesungen hilfreich für den Lernerfolg, hinderlich, oder haben sie keinen Effekt? Ziel der Arbeit ist, aus kognitions- und motivationspsychologischer Perspektive zu erwägen, welche Effekte zu erwarten sind, und die empirische Literatur zur Prüfung dieser Hypothesen zusammenzufassen und kritisch zu bewerten.
    Anzahl Arbeiten für dieses Thema:
    Eingabedatum: 09.12.2022
    Kontakt: Klaus Oberauer, E-Mail

    Status: vergeben (erfasst / geändert: 09.01.2025)
  • Intentional forgetting and remembering of associative information

    Beschreibung: Forgetting has a bad reputation. Yet, intentional forgetting is essential to deal with the vast amount of information we are confronted with each day ? it helps us to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant information. Various studies using the directed forgetting paradigm have established that intention to remember or forget has a substantial impact on our working and long-term memory: When people are told to remember or forget words, memory for to-be-remembered (TBR) words is typically better than for to-be-forgotten (TBF) ones. Despite decades of research on this topic, there is an ongoing debate on what effect the intention to remember or forget has on associative memory. The goal of this thesis is to review and discuss the literature on that question: How does the intent to remember or forget affect associative memory (e.g., word-context associations that are either intentionally or incidentally learned)?
    Anzahl Arbeiten für dieses Thema:
    Eingabedatum: 09.12.2021
    Kontakt: Klaus Oberauer, E-Mail

    Status: vergeben (erfasst / geändert: 09.01.2025)
  • Integrating Speed & Accuracy measures for individual differences research: Prerequisites, Benefits & Problems

    Beschreibung: In individual differences research on cognitive processes measures of processing speed (i.e. reaction times) and accuracy are often used as indicators of different processing aspects, such as processing speed or capacity. Yet, several researchers propose that an integration of speed and accuracy measures provides important benefits and addresses several problems, such as speed-accuracy tradeoffs. The proposed bachelor thesis should summarize currently proposed integrated speed-accuracy measures and review their prerequisites, benefits, and potential problems.
    Anzahl Arbeiten für dieses Thema:
    Eingabedatum: 14.06.2021
    Kontakt: Dr. Gidon Frischkorn, E-Mail

    Status: vergeben (erfasst / geändert: 22.02.2024)
  • Die kognitive Interpretation neuronaler Signale am Beispiel der P3 (oder P300)

    Beschreibung: Die kognitive Neurowissenschaft kann mittlerweile eine Vielzahl neuronaler Signale während der Bearbeitung kognitiver Aufgaben messen. Um diese Messungen für unser Verständnis kognitiver Prozesse nutzbar zu machen, müssen wir die gemessenen neuronalen Signale mit theoretisch angenommenen kognitiven Mechanismen und Prozessen in Verbindung bringen. Gegenstand der Bachelorarbeit ist die Frage, wie eine solche Verbindung hergestellt werden kann. Diese Frage soll am Beispiel eines prominenten "ereigniskorrelierten Potenzials", nämlich der P3 oder P300, analysiert werden. Es gibt in der Literatur mehrere Hypothesen, wie dieses Signal zu interpretieren ist, und eine reichhaltige Literatur empirischer Befunde dazu.
    Anzahl Arbeiten für dieses Thema:
    Eingabedatum: 07.01.2021
    Kontakt: Prof. Dr. Klaus Oberauer, E-Mail

    Status: vergeben (erfasst / geändert: 22.02.2024)
  • What factors influence the automatic effects of instructions?

    Beschreibung: After practicing a task for many hours, doing it becomes automatic. In recent years a growing body of research suggests that merely instructing a new task can be sufficient to create automaticity. One proposed explanation for these effects is that instructions in working memory are reformatted and that these reformatted representations elicit automatic behavior without being executed previously. In experiments that investigate these effects, participants are often asked to memorize the instructions on which response is to be given to which stimulus. These are referred to as stimulus-response mappings (S-R mappings). For example, participants are instructed to press the right key if the letter ?Q? is presented and the left key if the letter ?P? is presented. The automatic effects of instructions are then often measured via congruency effects between different sets of S-R mappings from two tasks. For example, after having read through the previous instructions (i.e., Q ? right key, P ? left key), participants are asked in a second task to press right if a letter is presented in italics and left if it is not. If an italic ?P? is presented and the responses of the two tasks are incongruent (i.e., P ? left key, italics ? right key), costs in response times are observed. These effects are taken as indicators that solely the instructions of S-R mappings elicit automatic responses without being previously executed (Liefooghe, Wenke, & De Houwer, 2012). Yet, differences and inconsistencies among these instruction-based automatic effects have been reported in the literature (Amir, Peleg, & Meiran, 2022; Liefooghe, & De Houwer, 2018). This raises the question under which boundary conditions the automatic effects of instructions are observed and what might influence differences in the effects. Therefore, the aim of this Bachelor?s thesis is to 1) review the literature on automatic effects of instructions and 2) work out and discuss factors (e.g., methodological factors, type of response) that influence the instruction-based automatic effects. Liefooghe, B., & De Houwer, J. (2018). Automatic effects of instructions do not require the intention to execute these instructions. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 30(1), 108?121. Liefooghe, B., Wenke, D., & De Houwer, J. (2012). Instruction-based task-rule congruency effects. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 38(5), 1325?1335. Amir, I., Peleg, L., & Meiran, N. (2022). Automatic effects of instructions: a tale of two paradigms. Psychological Research, 86, 1467?1486.
    Anzahl Arbeiten für dieses Thema:
    Eingabedatum: 18.12.2023
    Kontakt: Isabel Courage, E-Mail

    Status: vergeben (erfasst / geändert: 06.02.2024)
  • Post-error slowing: How to explain and measure slower response times after errors in cognitive tasks?

    Beschreibung: Failures in cognitive processing and associated actions are highly relevant for cognitive researchers because they can shed light on the cognitive processes required for a cognitive task and are of considerable interest for applied and basic research alike. Empirical research has shown that people consistently slowdown in their responses after errors in cognitive tasks. The proposed bachelor thesis should (1) summarize current theoretical accounts of post-error slowing in cognitive tasks, (2) outline predictions and possible ways to test the different theories, and (3) discuss the implications of different theories for adequate measures for post-error slowing.
    Anzahl Arbeiten für dieses Thema:
    Eingabedatum: 19.07.2022
    Kontakt: Gidon Frischkorn, E-Mail

    Status: vergeben (erfasst / geändert: 06.02.2024)
  • What influences the collaboration of visual working and long-term memory?

    Beschreibung: Visual working memory is a capacity-limited cognitive system used to actively store and manipulate visual information, whereas visual long-term memory is capable of storing thousands of objects with significant detail (Brady, Konkle, Alvarez, & Oliva, 2008). Current models of the relationship of working and long-term memory do not necessarily imply different neural mechanisms but describe working memory as activated portion of long-term memory (e.g., Atkinson and Shiffrin 1971; Cowan 1988). According to this view, memory representations can be in a temporarily activated state so that they are easily accessible. Yet, this described activation during a working memory task might actually reflect long-term memory formation rather than working memory processing. The goal of the Bachelor thesis is to review the literature on factors that influence visual working memory capacity (e.g., stimulus type, hierarchical structure), as well as literature on the transfer of representations between working and long-term memory.
    Anzahl Arbeiten für dieses Thema:
    Eingabedatum: 09.06.2021
    Kontakt: Dr. Lea Bartsch, E-Mail

    Status: vergeben (erfasst / geändert: 06.02.2024)
  • The shift of relative contributions of Episodic and Semantic memory to working memory in older adults

    Beschreibung: Aging is accompanied by a decline in episodic memory that can, however, be attenuated when older adults can draw on their crystalized knowledge from semantic LTM. This has recently been shown to also be the case in tests typically used to test working memory (Loaiza & Srokova, 2020). Working memory is the system that processes large streams of information to construct new thoughts, plan future actions, and respond flexibly in constantly changing environments and is known to be severely limited in its capacity (Cowan, 1995). Specifically, in two recent studies, older adults benefitted from the presentation of semantically related word-word pairs (e.g., fork-knife) and even more so than younger adults did (Loaiza & Srokova, 2020 and Bartsch, Mizrak & Loaiza, in prep). However, it is unclear what drives the age-preserved function to draw on LTM. The goal of the Bachelor thesis is to review the literature on factors that underly the benefit of semantic LTM to the formation of new memories and their lifespan trajectories.
    Anzahl Arbeiten für dieses Thema:
    Eingabedatum: 22.11.2023
    Kontakt: Lea Bartsch, E-Mail

    Status: vergeben (erfasst / geändert: 06.02.2024)
  • Neurophysiologische Parameter von Arbeitsgedächtnisprozessen

    Beschreibung: Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Literatur zu neuesten EEG Methoden und die Beantwortung der Frage, wie wir deren Paramter nutzen können, um offene Fragen beantworten und theoretische Diskurse im Bereich des Arbeitsgedächtnisses voranbringen zu können. Als Grundlage dienen Arbeiten von Kirsten Adam, David Sutterer und Edward Awh.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 17.06.2019)
  • Detecting crime knowledge

    Beschreibung: The Concealed Information Test (CIT) is a questioning paradigm that is used to detect if someone has specific knowledge that he/she tries to hide. This technique can be used with various measures (e.g. reaction time, skin conductance response, heart rate, EEG) but they don't all measure the same cognitive processes. The goal of this project is to take a close look at the cognitive and emotional processes involved in the CIT.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 14.06.2019)
  • The role of cognitive load in the unanticipated questions approach

    Beschreibung: The unanticipated questions approach is an interviewing strategy that uses unanticipated questions to evoke a larger difference between truthful and deceptive answers which should lead to better truth/lie classification. The goal of this project is to look at the theoretical background of this approach and role of cognitive load (1) and critically evaluate the empirical evidence (2).
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 14.06.2019)
  • Interference and Event Schemas

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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 02.07.2018)
  • Evidence for discrete-state models in visual working memory

    Beschreibung: The goal of this bachelor thesis is to list and evaluate the specific evidence for discrete-state (i.e., slot) models for visual working memory (VWM). A partial overview over the debate is given by Suchow et al. (2014). The main evidence for slots models is given by three findings: (1) A constant number of around 4 or 7 items in VWM (e.g., Zhang & Luck, 2008); (2) Linear receiver-operating-characteristics (ROC) functions (Rouder et al., 2008); (3) specific response-time patterns (Donkin et al. 2013). The task of the thesis will be to provide a critical evaluation of a selection or each of those findings possibly discussing their limits.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 02.07.2018)
  • Measuring Recognition Memory Performance

    Beschreibung: A long-standing question in the domain of recognition memory concerns the nature of the representations that underlie our judgments when attempting to identify previously experienced stimuli or events. One hypothesis is that representations are discrete, In the sense that an individual can only be in one of few possible mental states, some associated with successful memory retrieval, others associated with complete absence of information (discrete-state models). Another hypothesis is that memory representations are continuous, reflecting a graded decay. When making recognition decisions, the memory strength associated with a representation is compared to an established threshold that is minimally required to judge a stimulus as previously experienced (signal detection models). A third possibility is a hybrid of the previous hypotheses and assumes the existence of two independent memory representations, a continuous process describing non-specific familiarity, and a discrete process associated with the retrieval of episodic content (hybrid models). The goal of this bachelor thesis is to evaluate the methods used to distinguish between the model classes (e.g., fitting the models to receiver-operating-characteristics (ROC) functions).
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 02.07.2018)
  • Kurzzeit- und Langzeitgedächtnis: Was unterscheidet sie?

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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 02.07.2018)
  • Proaktive und retroaktive Interferenz - Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede

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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 11.06.2018)
  • Mentale Repräsentation von Objekten - die "object file" Theorie und ihre empirische Grundlage.

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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 11.06.2018)
  • Will labeling help me to improve my visual memory?

    Beschreibung: Previous research has shown that describing what you see, such as saying “blue” when you are presented a blue banana helps you to remember it in the short term. Interestingly, this verbal labeling has not been shown as helpful in the long term. Even though thousands of objects can be stored in our long-term memory. The aim of this thesis is to (1) state research that has found a benefit for labeling in the short term for working memory, (2) state research that has not found a labeling benefit in the long term for long-term memory, (3) discuss the different findings of the role of labeling in visual memory. Remark: can be written in English or German.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 11.06.2018)
  • Boosting Maintenance in Working Memory with Temporal Regularities

    Beschreibung: A recent paper by Plancher et al. (2017) extend previous investigations of the underlying mechanisms that facilitate memory processes by presenting temporal regularities during the retention interval. The goal of the thesis is to critically discuss these findings as well as additional literature of the field of music cognition on the role of temporal regularities for guiding attention over time.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 24.05.2018)
  • Elaboration in older adults

    Beschreibung: Elaboration as a candidate processes has been proposed to affect long-term memory and recent work has shown that the process of elaboration does not have similar beneficial effect on long-term memory in older compared to young adults. The goal of the thesis is to review the literature on age-related difference in the ability and efficiency to engage in elaboration of various forms and to critically discuss limitations of the research pursued to date.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 24.05.2018)
  • How is information consolidated into working- and long-term memory?

    Beschreibung: Language: both German and English are possible, preferable in English Consolidation is an important process when creating a stable working memory representation. Imagine you were presented with a picture of a red heart. While you are looking at it, the information of this particular picture is held in sensory memory. In order to transform this information into a working memory representation you need the assistance of the process consolidation. The aim of this thesis is to review the findings about consolidation (1) in the short term for working memory, (2) in the long term in regard to long-term memory and (3) discuss neural findings of consolidation that could give insights when investigating consolidation in working memory. Remark: can be written in English or German.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 21.11.2017)
  • Utilizing signs of cognitive load in deception detection

    Beschreibung: A variety of approaches and cues have been studied with the goal to increase deception detection. A recent approach is based on the notion that lying is cognitively more demanding than truth-telling and therefore one can use indicators of cognitive load to infer whether someone is deceitful or not. The goal of the current thesis is 1) to identify signs of increased cognitive load, 2) to review the literature of deception detection focusing on the extent to which these signs have been studied and 3) to discuss the success/failure of detecting deception using sings of cognitive load. Remark: can be written in German or English
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 17.11.2017)
  • Space, features, or objects: How do we set our focus of attention?

    Beschreibung: Pay attention! Attention, please! Across the day, we try to focus our attention on relevant aspects of our environment and to ignore distracting information. How is this accomplished? Cognitive theories have described many attentional processes: we could tune our focus to a face of friend, trying to find him/her in a crowd; we could attend to a location, hoping that important information appears; or we could even attend to a particular object in its entity (a car), in which case changes in any aspect of the object may become salient (any malfunctioning of the apparatus). So far, it is not clear whether attending to these different aspects yield the same behavioral effects (similar time-course, benefits, and limitations) and whether these different ways of attending reflect different individual abilities (can someone be very good at space-based attention but bad at feature-based one?). The goal of this thesis is to review the literature on attentional selection looking for evidence of similarities and differences in the way attention is deployed across these domains. This information can be relevant for planning of the engagement of attention in daily tasks, and for interventions targeting improvements in attentional control.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 05.11.2017)
  • Internal and external search

    Beschreibung: Many of the behaviours we perform require searching (e.g., for the correct key on a keyboard when typing, for relevant information in memory when trying to answer a question, or for a track marker when hiking in the mountains). How do we perform such searches? Do we search in the same manner, irrespective of the type of thing we are looking for or the locations we have to search? Or are our search methods heavily context-dependent? The student completing this thesis will investigate these questions, with a particular focus on the domains of visual and short-term memory search.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 05.11.2017)
  • From fleeting to enduring emotions: When do emotional states affect working memory?

    Beschreibung: Emotional experiences are part of our daily lives. These emotional states can be fleeting (i.e., change rapidly from moment-to-moment) or they can be enduring (i.e., last for days, weeks, or even months). Most of our daily activities, however, do not change because we are experiencing an emotional state: we may still need to deal with traffic, go to work, and run errands. All of these tasks place demands on working memory. Working memory is a limited-capacity system for the temporary storage of information that is currently in use. Given the limited capacity of this system, we often have difficulties in tasks that place large demands on it. One question of great relevance is therefore how the capacity of working memory is affected by variations in emotional states. The goal of the present thesis is to provide a systematic review of the literature on how emotional states change processing of information in working memory with a focus on the duration (short-lived ones vs. long-term ones) and valence (positive or negative) of the emotional state.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 05.11.2017)
  • 2. How does describing our visual experiences affect memory for visual details?

    Beschreibung: In our everyday interactions, we are exposed – among other things – to streams of visual inputs and verbal descriptions of these inputs. Whether these descriptions are self-generated or provided by others, language is involved in most of our activities. What is the impact of describing our visual experiences as they unfold? Are these descriptions helpful, inconsequential, or harmful? Despite the growing number of investigations on how language affects visual perception, learning, and episodic long-term memory, the role of language has been less investigated in the field of visual working memory (WM). WM is the cognitive device enabling the maintenance of information in an easy-to-retrieve state for ongoing processing. The goal of this thesis is to provide a systematic review of how verbalizations may change memory for visual details over the short and long-term, taking into consideration the differences in processing in these two systems.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 05.11.2017)
  • Deception detection and strategic interviewing: how to interview strategically in order to elicit stronger cues to deception and truth?

    Beschreibung: keine
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 03.11.2017)
  • Arbeitsgedächtnis und Denken: Wird Denken durch eine zusätzliche Belastung des AG beeinträchtigt?

    Beschreibung: keine
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 22.06.2017)
  • Automatische und kontrollierte Informationsverarbeitung: Was heisst "automatisch", was heisst "kontrolliert"?

    Beschreibung: keine
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 22.06.2017)
  • Welchen Einfluss hat die Aufmerksamkeit auf das Behalten im episodischen Gedächtnis?

    Beschreibung: keine
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 22.06.2017)
  • Language and visual perception: how describing our experiences affects memory for visual details?

    Beschreibung: keine
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 15.06.2017)
  • Space, features, or objects? How does attention operate on perceptual and memory representations?

    Beschreibung: keine
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 15.06.2017)
  • Evidence for discrete-state models in working memory

    Beschreibung: The goal of this bachelor thesis is to list and evaluate the specific evidence for discrete-state (i.e., slot) models for (visual) working memory (WM). A partial overview over the debate is given by Suchow et al. (2014). The main evidence for slots models is given by three findings: (1) A constant number of around 4 or 7 items in WM (e.g., Zhang & Luck, 2008); (2) Linear receiver-operating-charateristics (ROC) functions (Rouder et al., 2008); (3) specific response-time patterns (Donkin et al. 2013). The task of the thesis will be to provide a critical evaluation of a selection or each of those findings possibly discussing their limits.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 15.06.2017)
  • Arbeitsgedächtnis und Langzeitgedächtnis im Alter: Die Rolle von Assoziationen

    Beschreibung: Forschung der letzten Jahre hat gezeigt, dass ältere im vergleich zu jungen Erwachsenen schlechtere Gedächtnisleistungen zeigen, jedoch ist nicht klar, warum die Fähigkeit Informationen über einen kurzen bzw. längeren Zeitraum zu erinnern im Alter abnimmt. Die Aufgabe dieser Arbeit ist es, die aktuelle Literatur zur Gedächtnisleistung älterer Erwachsener beim Erinnern von assoziativen Paaren (Wort-Wort Paaren) zusammenzutragen und vor dem Hintergrund aktueller Theorien, wie der associative deficit hypothesis (ADH; Naveh-Benjamin, 2000) zu diskutieren. Zudem soll die Rolle des Arbeitsgedächtnisses bei altersbedingten Abnahme der Langzeitgedächtnisleistung diskutiert werden.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 05.06.2017)
  • Episodisches Gedächtnis: Wie funktioniert Elaboration?

    Beschreibung: Information, die bei der Enkodierung ins episodische Langzeitgedächtnis elaboriert wird, kann mit grösserer Wahrscheinlichkeit erinnert werden. Elaboration bedeutet, die enkodierte Information in einen sinnvollen Zusammenhang mit anderer Information zu bringen. Die Wirksamkeit von Elaboration ist empirisch gut etabliert, aber wir wissen noch nicht viel darüber, wie und warum Elaboration funktioniert. Ziel der Bachelorarbeit ist, die empirische Literatur zu Elaboration zu sichten, die dort diskutierten Hypothesen darüber, wie Elaboration funktioniert, zusammmen zu tragen, und die Evidenz für bzw. gegen diese Hypothesen kritisch zu diskutieren.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 27.10.2016)
  • Hick/Hyman law in contemporary cognitive psychology

    Beschreibung: Hick's law---also known as the Hick/Hyman law---relating choice uncertainty to response time, is one of the most robust findings in experimental psychology. Originally discovered in the 1950s, this relationship is as important to experimental design and the conclusions drawn from behavioural data today as it was 65 years ago. Nonetheless, in contemporary research it is often misapplied, misunderstood, or ignored altogether. The student undertaking this thesis will select a small sample of recent research and analyse it with regard to the original law and its more recent refinements, to determine what implications its misapplication and neglect may have.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 17.10.2016)
  • Feeling the future - what's your prior?

    Beschreibung: In a recently published article titled "Feeling the future", Daryl Bem argued that he found evidence that future events affect people’s current responses. The goal of this thesis is to take a closer look at the statistical methods that were applied. An alternative approach is to use Bayesian statistics. In this framework, prior odds (how likely is this finding before having seen the data) are taken into account. A further goal of this thesis is to state and defend one's prior odds for or against the proposition of precognition and to evaluate how the data found by Bem update these beliefs. The thesis can be written in German or English.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 08.12.2015)
  • Wie werden Lügen erkennbar?

    Beschreibung: Da Lügenerkennung basierend auf nonverbalem Verhalten enorm schwierig ist, stellt sich die Frage, ob überhaupt und mit welchen Techniken Lügen trotzdem erkannt werden können. In aktuellen Untersuchungen wurden Hinweise auf die Wirksamkeit der Erhöhung des Cognitive Load (kognitive Anstrengung) beim Befragten gefunden. In dieser Arbeit soll die Forschung zu diesen Strategien genauer unter die Lupe genommen werden.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 07.12.2015)
  • Kognition bei Tieren

    Beschreibung: Der Titel ist sehr breit gewählt, damit das eigentliche Thema innerhalb der Kognition bei Tieren selber nach eigenem Interesse eingeschränkt werden kann, z.B. Soziale Kognition, Soziales Lernen, Erinnern, Schlussfolgern, Kommunikation.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 07.12.2015)
  • "Can Working Memory for visual objects profit from Long Term Memory?"

    Beschreibung: "There is inconsistent evidence whether the ability to retain visual objects over the short-term can be increased by long-term knowledge. The aim of the thesis is to review conflicting results, look for similarities and differences between them and find a hypothesis, which could explain them. The thesis can be written in English or German."
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 13.07.2015)
  • Working memory in aging: what does get impaired as people grow older?

    Beschreibung: Working memory is considered the blackboard of thought: it holds the information one needs to the moment to moment cognition. Working memory capacity is limited, hence limiting our ability to perform complex cognitive tasks. It is well known that performance in working memory tasks decline in the course of normal healthy aging. The causes of this decline are however not clear, with many hypotheses being advanced to explain for this decline. The goal of the current thesis is to review the explanations of age impairments in working memory, to assess the empirical evidence supporting and challenging these explanations, with the goal of identifying non-tested assumptions that could be used to distinguish between competing hypotheses.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 13.07.2015)
  • "Komponenten der Gesichtserkennung: Der Zusammenhang zwischen Gesichtswahrnehmung und Gesichtsgedächtnis."

    Beschreibung: keine
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 13.07.2015)
  • Item similarity in working memory

    Beschreibung: Research suggests that we can store a small number of items in working memory, from where they can be more effectively accessed than information that is held in long-term memory. The aim of this project will be to investigate and review research into whether and how the similarity of items held in working memory affects their storage and retrieval. Relevant questions may include: 1. To what extent does inter-item similarity affect the precision of working memory representations? 2. Does inter-item similarity affect the resources we allocate to item maintenance?
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 13.07.2015)
  • Working memory and intelligence

    Beschreibung: Working memory is theorised to have considerable overlap with the construct of intelligence (usually operationalised as intelligence quotient, or IQ). This project will focus on the relationship between the two. For instance, it may involve identifying and comparing theories about the exact nature of this relationship, trying to determine whether working memory is important for all (or just some) components of intelligence, and investigating whether (and to what extent) all aspects of working memory use are reflected in intelligence test components.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 13.07.2015)
  • The role of rehearsal on working memory

    Beschreibung: The short-term maintenance of information in working memory is often accompanied by the overt or covert repetition of the information to oneself. This behavior is known as rehearsal. Rehearsal is a common strategy reported by participants of memory experiments. Most models of working memory have incorporated rehearsal in the form of either sub-vocal repetition of verbal material (articulatory rehearsal), deeper encoding of information (elaborative rehearsal), or by focusing attention on memory contents (attentional refreshing). Rehearsal has been ascribed at least two causal roles on memory: (1) restoration of degraded representations in working memory, and (2) transfer of memory traces from a transient form (short-term or working memory) to a more durable form (long-term memory). Empirically, the effect of different forms of rehearsal upon memory over short and long times is under-determined. The goal of this thesis is to look for possible ways in which rehearsal could impact memory performance taking, on the one hand, the current empirical evidence, and, in the other hand, possible cognitive computational implementations of rehearsal.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 10.11.2014)
  • Kognitive Inhibition im Kindesalter

    Beschreibung: keine
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 07.11.2014)
  • Kognitive Inhibition - Formen und Paradigmen

    Beschreibung: keine
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 07.11.2014)
  • Der Zusammenhang von Arbeitsgedächtniskapazität und (visueller) Aufmerksamkeit am Beispiel des Attentional Blink

    Beschreibung: keine
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 06.11.2014)
  • Measuring Recognition Memory Performance: Discrete State Models, Signal Detection Models, and Hybrid Models.

    Beschreibung: preferrably in English, but German is also possible.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 05.11.2014)
  • Multinomial Processing Tree Models of Memory: Slot Models, Recognition and Source Memory, and More.

    Beschreibung: preferrably in English, but German is possible as well.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 05.11.2014)
  • Conditionals and the "New Paradigm Psychology of Reasoning".

    Beschreibung: preferably in English, but German is possible as well.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 05.11.2014)
  • Kapazitätsgrenzen der Aufmerksamkeit

    Beschreibung: keine
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 03.11.2014)
  • Exekutive Funktionen im Erwachsenenalter

    Beschreibung: keine
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 16.12.2013)
  • Der Zusammenhang zwischen Arbeitsgedächtniskapazität und exekutiver Kontrolle

    Beschreibung: keine
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 04.07.2013)
  • Messung der Übereinstimmung zwischen Personen: Interrater-Reliabilität und ähnliche Masse

    Beschreibung: keine
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 04.07.2013)