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Hesse, S., Heddaeus, D., Steinmann, M., Wolf, M., Härter, M., & Watzke, B. (2022). Validierung einer Skala zur Erfassung der depressionsbezogenen Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung (DSW). Diagnostica, 68, 150-161.
Watzke, B., Heddaeus, D., Hesse, S., Steinmann, M., & Härter, M. (2021). Stepped Care zur Verbesserung der Versorgung von Menschen mit Depression. PiD - Psychotherapie im Dialog, 22, 39-43.
Hesse, S., Watzke, B., & Wolf, M., (2022, September 22-24). Bridge the Gap: Motivational factors for relapse prevention after cognitive behavioral depression treatment. SPR - 9th EU-Chapter Meeting, Rome, Italy.
Hesse, S., Wolf, M., & Watzke, B. (2022, Juni 8). Bridge the Gap: Motivationale Faktoren für die Rückfallprophylaxe nach kognitiv-verhaltenstherapeutischer Depressionsbehandlung. 1. Deutscher Psychotherapiekongress, Berlin, Deutschland.
Hesse, S., Wolf, M., & Watzke, B. (2021, August 25-27). Motivationale Faktoren für die Umsetzung rückfallpräventiver Strategien bei Menschen mit Angst- und Depressionserkrankungen. SGPP Jahreskongress, Switzerland.
Hesse, S., Wolf, M., & Watzke, B. (2021, June 23-26). Psychotherapeutic strategies to prevent depressive relapse after treatment termination. SPR - 52nd International Annual Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany.
Hesse, S., Heddaeus, D., Steinmann, M., Wolf, M., Härter, M., & Watzke, B. (2019, November 6). Perceived self-efficacy for managing and prevention of depression: German adaptation and validation of a brief self-report measure. 4th Symposium of the Competence Center for Mental Health (CCMH), Zürich, Switzerland.
Hesse, S., Heddaeus, D., Steinmann, M., Wolf, M., Härter, M., & Watzke, B. (2019, October 31 - November 2). Perceived self-efficacy for managing and prevention of depression: German adaptation and validation of a brief self-report measure. EACLIPT - 1st European Congress on Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment, Dresden, Germany.
Hesse, S., Wolf, M., & Watzke, B. (2018, June 27-30). Telephone-Administered Cognitive-Behavioral Relapse Prevention For Patients With Chronic And Recurrent Depression: Treatment Rationale Of The Natel-Project. SPR - 49th International Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Wolf, M., Hesse, S., & Watzke, B. (2018, April 12-13). Telephone-Administered Cognitive-Behavioral Relapse Prevention For Patients With Chronic And Recurrent Depression: The Multicenter Natel-Trial. Wennberg International Collaborative Spring Policy Meeting 2018, Zürich, Switzerland.
Hesse, S., Wolf, M., Hämmerli, K., Kriston. L., & Watzke, B. (2017, November 30). Telephone-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Relapse Prevention For Patients With Chronic And Recurrent Depression: Study Protocol Of A Multi-Center RCT. 4. Burghölzli Psychiatry Meeting, Zürich, Schweiz.
Wolf, M., Hesse, S., Hämmerli, K., Kriston. L., & Watzke, B. (2017, January 26). Telephone-Based Cognitive-Behavioral Relapse Prevention For Patients With Chronic And Recurrent Depression: Study Protocol Of A Multi-Center RCT. 2nd Symposium of the Competence Center for Mental Health (CCMH), Zurich, Switzerland.