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Psychologisches Institut Klinische Psychologie mit Schwerpunkt Psychotherapieforschung 

Zurich-Bern multidimensional meta-analysis of psychotherapy for depression

Projektleitung: Prof. phil. Dr. Birgit Watzke, Dr. phil. Markus Wolf

Psychotherapy for depression can be delivered in different treatment modalities: Face-to-face or via the internet, with internet-based interventions divided in those that are self-guided (e.g., self-help) and those that provide a certain level of guidance (e.g., via emails from therapists). In this pre-registered project, we  investigate important design aspects, whether or not randomized trials of these modalities differ in clinically relevant features of participants and the control groups used. Further, we are interested in the role of guidance and human contact in internet-based psychotherapy on outcome. More specifically, our objectives are: 1. Investigate and compare clinical features of participants in RCTs investigating different psychotherapy settings 2. Investigate and compare features of control conditions in RCTs investigating different psychotherapy settings 3. Investigate the role of degree of human support in internet-based psychotherapy.
Inclusion criteria for studies are: Population: Adults with depressive symptoms as primary current health problem. Intervention: (a) Face-to-face psychotherapy, or (b) guided internet-based psychotherapy, (c) self-guided internet-based psychotherapy or (d) interventions mixing features of these interventions (e.g., blended therapy). Control: Treatment-as-usual or waiting list. Outcomes: Change in depressive symptoms, treatment dropout. Data to calculate standardized mean differences Settings: Outpatient face-to-face psychotherapy or internet-based psychotherapy Publication date: 2000 or later. All coding will be conducted in duplicate by two independent coders. Disagreements will be discussed and resolved in consensus. For further details

Projektlaufzeit: 2019 - 2024


  • Universität Kassel, Klinische Psychologie II (Dr. phil. Thomas Munder, Prof. Dr. Christoph Flückiger)
  • Universität Bern, Abteilung für Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie (Prof. Dr. Thomas Berger, PD Dr. Tobias Krieger)

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