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Psychologisches Institut Gesundheitspsychologie des Kindes- und Jugendalters


Übersicht der Bachelorarbeitsthemen dieser Professur

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  • Themenvergabe durch Präsenztermin
    Termin: Mittwoch, 19. Februar 2024
    Zeit: 09.00 Uhr
    Raum: BIN 4.A.21

    Betreuungsperson der Bachelorarbeit: Prof. Dr. M. Landolt



  • Elterliches Erziehungsverhalten: Modelle und Operationalisierungen

    Beschreibung: Zur Konzeptualisierung des elterlichen Erziehungsverhaltens gibt es verschiedene theoretische Modelle und entsprechend auch verschiedene Operationalisierungsansätze. Das Ziel dieser Bachelorarbeit ist es, die gängigen Modelle zu beschreiben und eine aktuelle Übersicht über deren Operationalisierung (z.B. mit Hilfen von Fragebögen) zu geben.
    Kontakt: Markus Landolt, E-Mail

    [ Einzelthema ]
    Status: offen (erfasst / geändert: 06.01.2025)
  • Wie sensitiv sind die Diagnosekriterien für eine posttraumatische Belastungsstörung bei Kindern im Vorschulalter: Vergleich von ICD-11 und DSM-5

    Beschreibung: Traumatische Erfahrungen sind im Vorschulalter (0-6 Jahre) vergleichsweise häufig und es können sich entsprechend auch in diesem Alter Traumafolgestörungen entwickeln, wie beispielsweise eine posttraumatische Belastungsstörung. Das DSM-5 und die ICD-11 konzeptualisieren diese Störung unterschiedlich. Das Ziel dieser Bachelorarbeit ist es, anhand der aktuellen Literatur die zwei Konzepte in Bezug auf ihre Sensitivität im Vorschulalter zu überprüfen.
    Kontakt: Markus Landolt, E-Mail

    [ Einzelthema ]
    Status: offen (erfasst / geändert: 06.01.2025)



  • Die Effekte von körperlicher Bestrafung auf Kinder und Jugendliche

    Beschreibung: Körperliche Bestrafung von Kindern und Jugendichen, wie beispielsweise durch eine 0hrfeige, ist als erzieherisches Mittel in vielen Ländern, nicht aber in der Schweiz verboten. Das Ziel dieser Bachelorarbeit ist es, einen wissenschaftlichen Überblick über die Effekte von Körperstrafen auf die Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen zu geben und daraus Implikationen abzuleiten.
    Anzahl Arbeiten für dieses Thema:
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 19.06.2019)
  • Prävalenzraten psychischer Störungen bei chronisch kranken Kindern und Jugendlichen

    Beschreibung: Beschreibung: Das Ziel der vorliegenden Bachelorarbeit besteht darin, einen Überblick über aktuelle nationale und internationale Prävalenzraten psychischer Störungen (gemäss internationalen Klassifikationssystemen, i.e. ICD-10/11, DSM-IV/V) bei chronisch kranken Kindern und Jugendlichen zu geben. Im Vordergrund sollen v.a. affektive Störungen und neurotische, Belastungs- und somatoforme Störungen (ICD-10, F3 und F4) bei chronischen Herzerkrankungen, Nierenerkrankungen und Darmerkrankungen stehen (kann je nach Studienlage angepasst werden). Eine Beschränkung auf Publikationen der letzten 10 bis 15 Jahren ist wünschenswert. Fragestellungen: Wurde in repräsentativen Schweizer oder Deutschen Studien Prävalenzraten psychischer Störungen bei chronisch kranken Kindern und Jugendlichen publiziert? Wenn ja, wie hoch sind diese und von welchen chronischen Erkrankungen liegen Daten vor? Gibt es nationale oder internationale Studien zu den oben genannten Erkrankungen, die Prävalenzraten erhoben haben? Die Arbeit kann auf Deutsch oder Englisch geschrieben werden.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 19.12.2018)
  • Posttraumatic stress symptoms in parents of children with cancer

    Beschreibung: The aim of this bachelor thesis is to summarize the current state of research with respect to the development and trajectories of posttraumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) of parents of pediatric cancer patients. What are the prevalence rates of posttraumatic stress disorder in parents after a child is diagnosed with cancer? Are there any predictors for the development and perpetuation of PTSS after a diagnosis (e.g. sex, age)? Are there specific PTSS trajectories (mothers, fathers)?
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 19.12.2018)
  • Educational, social and sexual development of juveniles who have sexually offended

    Beschreibung: It is estimated that about one fifth of all rapes and around half of all reported cases of child abuse are perpetrated by underage males. The identification of at risk juveniles as well as the development and implementation of adequate interventions are generally considered to be paramount for the prevention of juvenile sexual offending. Impaired social and educational development as well as premature sexual development over the course of childhood are suggested to contribute to the etiology of juvenile sexual offending and may further be tied to characteristics of the crimes committed as well as to the risk of recidivism. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to review the literature on educational (e.g. performance at school) and social difficulties (e.g. social isolation, poor social skills) as well as on sexual development (e.g. excessive masturbation, early sexual behaviour) of juveniles who have sexually offended. The literature should be discussed with regard to normative development. (Thesis to be written in English)
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 27.11.2017)
  • Relationship between cortisol and metabolic control of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes

    Beschreibung: Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system fights insulin-producing B-cells. Insulin helps the body to transfer the sugar from the blood into the cells and convert it into energy. It is the only hormone that does so. T1D patients are accordingly totally insulin dependent and have to control their blood sugar and inject insulin before they eat. Some of the pediatric patients with T1D do not manage to reach the targeted blood sugar values and live with poor metabolic control, which can lead to significant long-term health problems. There is a lot of research about psychosocial risk factors for a poor metabolic control; one factor that has consistently shown to negatively influence metabolic control is stress. One biological marker for stress is the glucocorticoid cortisol which also is an antagonist of insulin. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to review the current state of research on the influence of cortisol on metabolic control in pediatric patients with T1D. The findings shall be discussed with regards to recommendations for further research in this field. [NB: This bachelor thesis needs to be written in English.]
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 27.11.2017)
  • Do psychosocial factors affect the outcome of appearance altering surgery in pediatric patients?

    Beschreibung: Studies on the outcome of cosmetic surgery (e.g. ear corrections) in pediatric patients mostly report positve effects on psychosocial variables, such as self-esteem or satisfaction with appearance. However, about 10-20% of patients undergoing cosmetic surgery experience postoperativ disatisfaction. In some cases, although the surgery was technically successful, the patient is not satisfied, and does not expierence improvement in symptoms. Patients’ satisfaction with outcome is highly influenced by psychosocial variables (e.g. realistic expectations). The aim of this bachelor thesis is to review the current state of research on the influence of psychosocial variables on the outcome of plastic/reconstructive surgery in pediatric patients. The findings shall be discussed with regards to recommendations for conducting psychological screenings in pediatric patients who seek appearance altering interventions. [NB: This bachelor thesis needs to be written in English.]
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 21.06.2017)
  • Risk assessment in juveniles who have sexually offended: Strengths and limitations of current practice in the prediction of recidivism

    Beschreibung: Sexual offenses committed by juveniles display an issue of major concern in judicial, clinical, and public contexts. Considering the far reaching effects of sexual abuse on a victim’s psychological, physical and social development, it is important to understand what factors contribute to the development and, moreover, the persistence of (sexual) delinquency in adolescents. However, only a few instruments are currently available for the assessment of re-offense risk in juveniles who have sexually offended (JSOs), mostly adopted from measurements designed for adult offenders even though differences between adult and adolescent offenders have been stated. Thus, the present bachelor thesis aims at summarizing the current knowledge on strengths and limitations of risk assessment instruments for JSOs, which may provide a basis for the development of valid and reliable measurements for an accurate prediction of sexual and non-sexual recidivism in these juveniles.
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 09.11.2016)
  • Emotional and behavioral problems in pediatric patients with chronic renal disease

    Beschreibung: The aim of this bachelor thesis is to summarize the current state of research with respect to emotional and behavioral problems in children and adolescents with chronic renal disease. Are children and adolescents with chronic renal disease more affected by internalizing or externalizing problems? Are there associations between emotional/behavioral problems and disease activity or treatment procedures? Can internalizing problems be seen as a risk factor for poor disease course? [NB: This bachelor thesis needs to be written in English.]
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 19.11.2015)
  • Structural and functional brain alterations in traumatized children and adolescents

    Beschreibung: Adverse and traumatic childhood experiences have been found to be associated with structural and functional alterations of specific brain regions and networks. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to summarize the current state of research in traumatized children and adolescents with a specific focus on the prefrontal cortex, the hippocampus, and the amygdala. Also, current knowledge on mechanisms that may be responsible for these alterations should be presented and discussed. [NB: This bachelor thesis needs to be written in English.]
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 19.11.2015)
  • The influence of family variables on psychological adjustment of children with cancer

    Beschreibung: Family members influence each other in their adjustment to chronic illness. Child cancer – as an example of a life-threatening and chronic disease in childhood - can be seen as a “family disease” with parent and family variables playing key roles for the ill child’s psychological adjustment. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to review the current state of research with respect to the influence of family variables on psychological adjustment of children with cancer. [NB: This bachelor thesis needs to be written in English.]
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    Status: (erfasst / geändert: 15.06.2015)