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Psychologisches Institut Gesundheitspsychologie des Kindes- und Jugendalters

Chronic pain in children and adolescents

Interprofessionelle Schmerzsprechstunde – Explorative Datenanalyse


Principal investigators: Dr. A. Prchal, PD Dr. E. Bergsträsser, Prof. M. Landolt

Duration of project: July 2019 - June 2020


Since 2017 the University Children's Hospital Zurich offers an interprofessional consultation service for chronic pain in children. Since the start of this service 80 children with chronic pain (with or without somatic diagnosis) have been seen. The children and parents were asked to fill in a questionnaire before the first appointment and a follow-up questionnaire 6 months after the first appointment. In addition a qualitative evaluation was carried out.

After two years of data collection the aim of the project is to explore the data considering different fields of interest:

  • Description of the population
  • Comparing pre and post measurements
  • Analyzing the qualitative evaluation

