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Psychologisches Institut Sozialpsychologie

Tabea Hässler

Tabea Hässler, Dr.

  • Oberassistenz ad personam
+41 44 635 72 78
BIN 3.D.07


Intergruppen Beziehungen, Sozialer Wandel, Vorurteile, Diskriminierung, Ethnische Minderheiten, LGBTIQ+

Hier lernen Sie mehr über das "Zurich Intergroup Project"

Hier lernen Sie mehr über das "Schweizer LGBTIQ+ Panel"

Aktuelle Anstellung

Seit Februar 2021: Oberassistenz, Sozialpsychologie, Universität Zürich


2023: Early Career Award, European Association of Social Psychology

2023: SIPS Commendation, Society for Improving Psychological Science

Akademische Qualifizierung

2014-2019: Doktorat in Psychologie, Universität Zürich, Schweiz

2012-2014: MSc in Psychologie, Universität zu Köln, Deutschland

2009-2012: BSc in Psychologie, FernUniversität in Hagen, Deutschland

2008-2012: BA in Sportmanagement und Sportkommunikation, Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln, Deutschland


2023: University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

2022: Princeton University, Princeton, USA

2021: McGill University, Montreal, Canada

2021: University College Dublin, Dublin, Irland

2019-2020: University of Washington, Seattle, USA

2018: Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Kanada

2016: Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

2013/2014: Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile

2013: University of Auckland, Neuseeland

2012: University of California, Los Angeles, USA

2011: Auslandssemester an der University of Western Ontario, Kanada

Ausgewählte Publikationen

Hässler, T., Atwood, S., Gonzalez, A., Anderson, J., & Fogwell, N. (2024). Reimagining LGBTIQ+ research – Acknowledging differences across subpopulations, methods, and countries. Journal of Social Issues.

Eisner, L., Fischer, S., Juster, R., & Hässler, T., (2024). Can a referendum get under the skin? The effects of the Swiss marriage equality referendum on self-reported and biological stress among LGBTIQ+ and cis-heterosexual people. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(31).

Sweigart, M., Galván-Hernández, D., Hässler, T., Hegarty, P., Kite, M E., Ofosu, E., Ünsal, B. C., & Eisner, L. (2024). Understanding variations in LGBTIQ+ acceptance across space and time: The importance of norm perceptions and political dynamics. Journal of Social Issues

Heilmann, S., Hässler, T., Theissing, L. & Eisner, L. (2024). Intersectionality within the LGBTIQ+ context – Discrimination, identification, and well-being. Stigma & Health.

Kahalon, R., Hässler, T., & Eisner, L. (2024). Self-objectification endorsement among sexual minorities and its association with appearance anxiety, well-being, and substance use. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Advance online publication

Thöni, C., Eisner, L. & Hässler, T. (2024). Not straight enough, nor queer enough: Identity denial, stigmatization, and negative affect among bisexual and pansexual people. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 11(2), 237–249.

Árnadóttir, K., Baysu, G., Van Laar, C., Phalet, K., Tropp, L. R., Sebben, S., Ullrich, J. & Hässler, T. (2023). How positive and negative intergroup contact jointly inform minority support for social change: The role of system-fairness belief. British Journal of Social Psychology, 63(2), 811-838.

Frisch, L., Liekefett, L., Sebben, S., Shnabel, N., Ullrich, J., & Hässler, T. (2023). Support for social change among members of advantaged groups: The role of dual identity representation and accepting intergroup contact. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 49(7), 1000-1013.

Hässler, T., Ullrich, J., Sebben, S., Shnabel, N., Bernadino, M., Valdenegro, D., .... Pistella, J. (2022). Needs satisfaction in intergroup contact: A multi-national study of pathways toward social change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 122(4), 634-658.

Hässler, T., Glazier, J. J., & Olson, K. (2022). Consistency of gender identity and preferences across time: An exploration among cisgender and transgender children. Developmental Psychology, 58(11), 2184–2196.

Eisner, L., Settersten, R., Turner-Zwinkels, F., & Hässler, T. (2021). Perceptions of intolerant norms both facilitate and inhibit collective action among sexual minorities. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations, 25(7), 1797–1818.

Hässler, T., Uluğ, Ö. M., Kappmeier, M., & Travaglino, G. A. (2021). Intergroup contact and social change: An integrated contact‐collective action model. Journal of Social Issues, 77, 217-241.

Hässler, T., Ullrich, J., Bernadino, M., Shnabel, N., Van Laar, C., Valdenegro, D., .... Mugnol Ugarte, L. (2020). A large-scale test of the link between intergroup contact and support for social change. Nature Human Behaviour, 4, 380-386.

Hässler, T., Shnabel, N., Ullrich, J., Arditti-Vogel, A., & SimanTow-Nachlieli, I. (2019). Individual differences in system justification predict power and morality-related needs in advantaged and disadvantaged groups in response to group disparity. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations, 49, 366-384.

Hässler, T., González, R., Lay, S., Lickel, B., Zagefka, H., Tropp, L., Manzi Astudillo, J., & Bernadino, M. (2019). With a little help from our friends: The impact of cross-group friendship on acculturation preferences. European Journal of Social Psychology, 5, 746-766.

Ausgewählte Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

Eisner*, L. & Hässler, T.* (2024). Schweizer LGBTIQ+ Panel - 2023 Abschlussbericht (geteilte Erstautor*innenschaft). (Verfügbar in Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch und Italienisch)

Hässler, T. (2023). Dr. Tabea Hässler spricht über sexuelle Belästigung. Sexual harassment awareness day of all Swiss universities.

Hässler, T. (2022). Increasing diversity within and beyond science – A focus on the LGBTIQ+ context. Interview for the (Re)Searching Diversity Podcast.

Hässler, T., Eisner, L., Block, K., Carvacho, H., & Coles, N. (2022). The potentials and pitfalls of collaborative multi-national research projects. Presented at SPSP 2022 Annual Convention.