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Psychologisches Institut Allgemeine Psychologie (Motivation)

Aisté Guobyté

Aisté Guobyté, MSc

  • SNF-Doktorandin
+41 44 634 93 96
BIN5 A.14


Entscheidungen im Gesundheitsverhalten

Hedonistische Zielverfolgung



Peer-reviewed journal articles:

Bernecker, K., Becker, D., & Guobyte, A. (2023). If the party is good, you can stay longer—effects of trait hedonic capacity on hedonic quantity and performance. Motivation and Emotion, 1-15.

Dubinsky, M. C., Newton, L., Delbecque, L., Hunter, T., Guobyte, A., Naegeli, A. N., ... & Lewis, J. D. (2022). Exploring disease remission and bowel urgency severity among adults with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis: a qualitative study. Patient Related Outcome Measures, 287-300.

Hudgens, S., Gugiu, C., Guobyte, A., Soliman, A. M., Fitzgerald, K. A., Barcomb, L. M., Eldred, A. K., & Okun, M. M. (2022). Validation of the Physician’s Global Assessment of Fingernail Psoriasis by Rheumatologists Treating Psoriatic Arthritis. Value in Health.

Randall, J. A., Guobyte, A., Delbecque, L., Newton, L., Symonds, T., & Hunter, T. (2020). Qualitative research to explore the symptoms and impacts experienced by children with ulcerative colitis. Journal of Patient-Reported Outcomes, 4(1), 1-13.


Unpublished theses:

Guobyte, A. (2015). A qualitative exploration of methadone maintained patients' experiences of treatment and recovery. [Unpublished master's thesis]. Trinity College Dublin.

Guobyte, A. (2013). Exploring the role of perspective-taking in brief ACT interventions through experimentally induced distress. [Unpublished bachelor’s thesis]. Maynooth University. 


Conference talks:

Guobyte., A. Bernecker, K., Becker, D. (2023). Blended goals: Consequences of mixing work into pleasure for hedonic success. 19th General Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology. Krakow, Poland.

Guobyte., A. Bernecker, K., Becker, D. (2023). Blending Goals: Hedonic Outcomes of Multifinal Means. International Convention of Psychological Science. Brussels, Belgium.

Guobyte, A. Bernecker, K., Becker, D. (2022). Hedonic Goal Pursuit: Individual differences and mechanisms of hedonic success. Swiss Psychological Association. Zurich, Switzerland.

Guobyte, A., Barnes-Holmes, Y. (2013). Exploring the role of perspective-taking in brief ACT interventions through experimentally induced distress. IADT Annual Congress of Psychology Students. Dublin, Ireland.


Conference posters (developed or presented):

Newton, L., Guobyte, A., McFadden, S., Symonds, T., Delbecque, L., Donaldson, J., & Naegeli, A. (2022). A qualitative study exploring meaningful improvement in bowel urgency among adults with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. Journal of Gastroenterology, 162 (2021 ACG Annual Meeting Abstracts), S86-S87.

Hudgens, S., Guobyte, A., Yucel, E., Braverman, J., Hayes A., Fei-Fei, L., Bacon, C., Stevenson, A., Shaw J. (2021). Targeted landscape review for understanding lymphoma patient-reported outcome assessment in the era of emerging therapies. European Hematology Association Congress. 

Newton, L., Guobyte, A., McFadden, S., Symonds, T., Delbecque, L., Naegeli, A. N. (2021). A qualitative study exploring meaningful improvement in bowel urgency among adults with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. European Crohn’s and Colitis Organisation Conference.

Randall, J., Guobyte, A., Delbecque, L., Newton, L., Symonds, T., & Hunter, T. (2019). Ulcerative Colitis Experiences Among a Pediatric Population: A Qualitative Study Reviewing the Agreement of Symptoms Discussed by Children and Their Parents: 825. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 114 (2019 ACG Annual Meeting Abstracts), S476.

Randall, J. A., Guobyte, A., Hunter, T., Humphrey, L., Symonds, T., Delbecque, L., & Naegeli, A. (2019). PGI53 A Qualitative Study Exploring the Burden of Ulcerative Colitis Among Child, Adolescent and Adult Patients. Value in Health, 22, S625-S626.

Newton, L., Guobyte, A., Knight-west O., Symonds, T., Nunes, F., Delozier, A., Eichenfield, L., Thyssen J., Silverberg, J., Bieber, T. (2019). Development of Clinical Phenotypes of Atopic Dermatitis: Preliminary Results from a Literature Review. 24th World Congress of Dermatology.

Newton, L., Guobyte, A., Donohue, A. M., & Chan, E. K. (2019). Social media review to explore the disease journey of patients with Hepatitis B Virus infection. In Quality of Life Research (Vol. 28, pp. S160-S160).