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Central IT Staff

“Matomo” Web Access Statistics


Central IT provides Matomo for the creation of access statistics for websites of the University of Zurich. The advantage of Matomo (e.g. compared to Google Analytics) is that the log data, which is sensitive under data protection law, is stored on a separate server within UZH.

Access to Matomo Statistics

Please enter your details in the form below. We will then create access to the web statistics and notify you as soon as this has been done.

Login: (login with UZH shortname / WebPass)


Request Matomo Access Statistics (Please Fill in All Fields)


e.g.: Laura Muster


e.g.: lmuster

Functionality and Configuration of Your Websites

A JavaScript on your web page logs every page hit in the Matomo statistics. However, this JavaScript must be placed on your web page first. few will do this for all websites hosted in the Magnolia CMS. For all other websites, you (or the person responsible for them) must do this. You can find the correct script in the HTML source code of the UZH homepage – but you must replace the SiteId there with your own.

Range of Functions

A site administrator has many configuration options in Matomo. Campaigns can be defined that have to be evaluated specifically. Furthermore, a user administration including role assignment is available, and much more. (New users, however, must be ordered by the Matomo responsible person using the form above).

How to use the statistics?

Wählen Sie den Seitenbereich und das Beobachtungszeitfenster aus.

Message «Keine Daten im Archiv»

Meldung wegklicken, dann wie oben beschrieben die Statistik einsehen!

(This "green" warning message actually only says that a statistic shows no more new web accesses - as is the case with our archive. Unfortunately, this message cannot be configured away.)

Weiterführende Informationen