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W. Ruch
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Artikel in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
Gander, Fabian; Proyer, René T; Ruch, Willibald (2017).
The Subjective Assessment of Accomplishment and Positive Relationships: Initial Validation and Correlative and Experimental Evidence for Their Association with Well-Being.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 18(3):743-764.
Roberts, Megan E; Wagner, Lisa; Zorjan, Saša; Nèmeth, Enikö; van Toor, Désie; Czaplinski, Michał (2017).
Testing the Situationism Scale in Europe: Scale validation, self-regulation and regional differences.
International Journal of Psychology, 52(4):264-272.
Heintz, Sonja; Hofmann, Jennifer (2017).
War es nur Spass oder war es Spott? Beiträge aus der psychologischen Forschung zu Humor und Lachen.
In: Affolter-Bamert, Brigitte. Sticheleien im Müsigricht. Steinen: Müsigricht Verlag, 94-105.
Gander, Fabian (2017).
Positive Psychology interventions: Are they effective for increasing well-being?.
In: Marcionetti, Jenny; Castelli, Luciana; Crescentini, Alberto. Well-being in education systems: Conference Abstract Book. Firenze: Hogrefe, 8-12.
Ruch, Willibald; Proyer, René T (2017).
Stärkenorientierte Ansätze.
In: Frank, Renate. Therapieziel Wohlbefinden : Ressourcen aktivieren in der Psychotherapie (3., aktual. Aufl.) (3., vollständig überarbeitete Auflage - 2017). Berlin: Springer, 109-119.
Ruch, Willibald; Hofmann, Jennifer (2017).
Psychologie, Medizin, Hirnforschung.
In: Wirth, Uwe. Handbuch der Komik. Stuttgart: Springer, 89-101.
Ruch, Willibald; Hofmann, Jennifer (2017).
Fostering humor.
In: Proctor, C. Positive psychology interventions in practice. New York: Springer, 65-80.
Heintz, Sonja.
Humor styles and beyond: the role of individual differences in humor for psychosocial well-being and the importance of construct validity.
2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.
Bruntsch, Richard.
Interindividual differences in verbal irony detection and use: the role of personality and ability.
2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.
Gander, Fabian.
Online positive psychology interventions based on pleasure, engagement, meaning, positive relationships, and accomplishment : measurement, validation of interventions, and exploration of working mechanisms.
2017, University of Zurich, Faculty of Arts.
Artikel in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
Harzer, Claudia; Ruch, Willibald (2016).
Your Strengths are Calling: Preliminary Results of a Web-Based Strengths Intervention to Increase Calling.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(6):2237-2256.
Kirchner, Jennifer; Ruch, Willibald; Dziobek, Isabel (2016).
Brief Report: Character Strengths in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder Without Intellectual Impairment.
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46(10):3330-3337.
Kretzschmar, André; Neubert, Jonas C; Wüstenberg, Sascha; Greiff, Samuel (2016).
Construct validity of complex problem solving: A comprehensive view on different facets of intelligence and school grades.
Intelligence, 54:55-69.
Auerbach, Sarah; Ruch, Willibald; Fehling, Annette (2016).
Positive emotions elicited by clowns and nurses: An experimental study in a hospital setting.
Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 2(1):14-24.
Platt, Tracey; Wagner, Lisa; Ruch, Willibald (2016).
The association between class clown dimensions, school experiences and accomplishment.
Learning & Individual Differences, 51:327-332.
Ruch, Willibald; Gander, Fabian (2016).
Charakterstärken und Wohlbefinden bei der Arbeit: Wann der Job zur Berufung wird.
Wirtschaftspsychologie Aktuell, (3):45-48.
Wellenzohn, Sara; Proyer, René T; Ruch, Willibald (2016).
How do positive psychology interventions work? A short-term placebo-controlled humor-based study on the role of the time focus.
Personality and Individual Differences, 96:1-6.
Ruch, Willibald; Heintz, Sonja (2016).
The German version of the Humor Styles Questionnaire: Psychometric properties and overlap with other styles of humor.
Europe's Journal of Psychology, 12(3):434-455.
Gander, Fabian; Proyer, René T; Ruch, Willibald (2016).
Positive Psychology Interventions Addressing Pleasure, Engagement, Meaning, Positive Relationships, and Accomplishment Increase Well-Being and Ameliorate Depressive Symptoms: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Online Study.
Frontiers in Psychology, 7:686.
Bruntsch, Richard; Hofmann, Jennifer; Ruch, Willibald (2016).
Virgin soil in irony research: Personality, humor, and the “sense of irony”.
Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 2(1):25-34.
Ruch, Willibald; Heintz, Sonja (2016).
The virtue gap in humor: Exploring benevolent and corrective humor.
Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 2(1):35-45.
Heintz, Sonja; Ruch, Willibald (2016).
Reply to Martin (2015): Why our conclusions hold.
HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research, 29(1):125-129.
Chen, Guo-Hai; Ruch, Willibald; Li, Yan-Na (2016).
Temperamental basis of sense of humor: validating the state-trait-cheerfulness-inventory in Mainland China.
HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research, 29(1):77-97.
Hofmann, Jennifer (2016).
Kai Rugenstein: Humor: Die Verflüssigung des Subjekts bei Hippokrates, Jean Paul, Kierkegaard und Freud.
HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research, 29(2):329-332.
Proyer, Rene T; Gander, Fabian; Wellenzohn, Sara; Ruch, Willibald (2016).
Addressing the role of personality, ability, and positive and negative affect in positive psychology interventions: Findings from a randomized intervention based on the authentic happiness theory and extensions.
Journal of Positive Psychology, 11(6):609-621.
Proyer, Rene T; Gander, Fabian; Wellenzohn, Sara; Ruch, Willibald (2016).
Nine beautiful things: A self-administered online positive psychology intervention on the beauty in nature, arts, and behaviors increases happiness and ameliorates depressive symptoms.
Personality and Individual Differences, 94:189-193.
Wellenzohn, Sara; Proyer, Rene T; Ruch, Willibald (2016).
Humor-based online positive psychology interventions: A randomized placebo-controlled long-term trial.
Journal of Positive Psychology, 11(6):584-594.
Wagner, Lisa; Baumann, Nicola; Hank, Petra (2016).
Enjoying influence on others: Congruently high implicit and explicit power motives are related to teachers’ well-being.
Motivation & Emotion, 40(1):69-81.
Weber, Marco; Wagner, Lisa; Ruch, Willibald (2016).
Positive feelings at school: on the relationships between students’ character strengths, school-related affect, and school functioning.
Journal of Happiness Studies, 17(1):341-355.
Ruch, Willibald (2016).
Humor und Charakter.
In: Wild, Barbara; Buchkremer, Gerhard. Humor in Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie : Neurobiologie - Methoden - Praxis. - 2. Aufl. Stuttgart: Schattauer, 8-31.
Dupont, Stéphane; Çakmak, Hüseyin; Curran, Will; Dutoit, Thierry; Hofmann, Jennifer; McKeown, Gary; Pietquin, Olivier; Platt, Tracey; Ruch, Willibald; Urbain, Jérôme (2016).
Laughter research: a review of the ILHAIRE project.
In: Esposito, A; Chain, L C. Toward Robotic Socially Believable Behaving Systems - Volume I. New York: Springer, 147-181.
Artikel in wissenschaftlicher Zeitschrift
Mainert, Jakob; Kretzschmar, André; Neubert, Jonas C; Greiff, Samuel (2015).
Linking complex problem solving and general mental ability to career advancement: Does a transversal skill reveal incremental predictive validity?.
International Journal of Lifelong Education, 34(4):393-411.
Neubert, Jonas C; Kretzschmar, André; Wüstenberg, Sascha; Greiff, Samuel (2015).
Extending the Assessment of Complex Problem Solving to Finite State Automata.
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 31(3):181-194.
Neubert, Jonas C; Mainert, Jakob; Kretzschmar, André; Greiff, Samuel (2015).
The Assessment of 21st Century Skills in Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Complex and Collaborative Problem Solving.
Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 8(2):238-268.
Proyer, Rene T; Gander, Fabian; Wellenzohn, Sara; Ruch, Willibald (2015).
Strengths-based positive psychology interventions: a randomized placebo-controlled online trial on long-term effects for a signature strengths- vs. a lesser strengths-intervention.
Frontiers in Psychology:6:456.
Ruch, Willibald; Proyer, Rene T (2015).
Mapping strengths into virtues: the relation of the 24 VIA-strengths to six ubiquitous virtues.
Frontiers in Psychology:6:460.
Hofmann, Jennifer; Platt, Tracey; Ruch, Willibald; Proyer, Rene T (2015).
Individual differences in gelotophobia predict responses to joy and contempt.
SAGE Open, 5(2):1-12.
Hofmann, Jennifer (2015).
Humor in der sozialen Arbeit : Warum Humor wichtig ist und was der Humor in der Sozialen Arbeit zu suchen hat.
SozialAktuell, (2):10-13.
Kretzschmar, André; Süß, Heinz-Martin (2015).
A study on the training of complex problem solving competence.
Journal of Dynamic Decision Making, 1(2015):4.
Wagner, Lisa; Ruch, Willibald (2015).
Attribute des Lachens: Ein lexikalischer Ansaz.
Zeitschrift für Semiotik:109-127.
Hofmann, Jennifer; Ruch, Willibald (2015).
Gibt es ein Lachen der Schadenfreude?.
Zeitschrift für Semiotik:55-79.
Hofmann, Jennifer; Ruch, Willibald (2015).
Humor stärkt mich.
ASP-SPV-Info, (138):5-11.
Heintz, Sonja; Ruch, Willibald (2015).
An examination of the convergence between the conceptualization and the measurement of humor styles: A study of the construct validity of the Humor Styles Questionnaire.
HUMOR: International Journal of Humor Research, 28(4):611-633.
Hofmann, Jennifer (2015).
Humor - wo er nährt und wo er stört.
Schulblatt des Kantons Thurgau, 57(6):7-11.
Führ, Martin; Platt, Tracey; Proyer, Rene T (2015).
Testing the relations of gelotophobia with humour as a coping strategy, self-ascribed loneliness, reflectivity, attractiveness, self-acceptance, and life expectations.
European Journal of Humour Research, 3(1):84-97.
Kray, Jutta; Schmitt, Hannah; Heintz, Sonja; Blaye, Agnès (2015).
Does verbal labeling influence age differences in proactive and reactive cognitive control?.
Developmental Psychology, 51(3):378-391.
Hofmann, Jennifer; Platt, Tracey; Ruch, Willibald; Niewiadomski, Radoslaw; Urbain, Jerôme (2015).
The influence of a virtual companion on amusement when watching funny films.
Motivation & Emotion, 39(3):434-447.
Güsewell, Angelika; Ruch, Willibald (2015).
Character Strengths Profiles of Musicians and Non-Musicians.
Journal of Arts and Humanities, 4:online.
Wagner, Lisa; Ruch, Willibald (2015).
Good character at school: Positive classroom behavior mediates the link between character strengths and school achievement.
Frontiers in Psychology, 6:24.
Proyer, Rene T; Wagner, Lisa (2015).
Playfulness in adults revisited: The signal theory in German speakers.
American Journal of Play, 7(2):201-227.
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